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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. The only thing that has genuinely surprised me about Cross Ange so far is that
  2. You'd be surprised. Some people were really put off by the character designs and the use of 3D. Me, I loved it and cannot wait for the second season.
  3. 30 years later...that's just amazing!
  4. She looks a lot more like the Motoko Kusanagi we know from the films/SAC. She's maybe changed her prosthetic body?
  5. You read Spanish, French or German? Rebuild 3.33 has been available in either one of those in both DvD and BD for a while now.
  6. Cross Ange went on sale in Japan and is actually having decent sales. The last episode really took it some new places.
  7. I must admit I've disliked what they've done.
  8. Thanks for the headsup. I might drop it then. I noticed that on the side of one of the planes the staff was looking at, one of the pilots names was Shoji. I don't know if that was a reference to him or not. From the new season: Jojo Stardust Crusaders is back. Yeah! The campiest show alive is going strong. And the new show by Kurihara (him of Utena and Penguindrum fame) is out too. As expected, it's weird as heck but somehow i cannot help but be drawn into it.
  9. I agree wholeheartedly with your views on First Blood. A great movie. The sequels are tons of fun, but not up to the standard of the first.
  10. I was just a tad disappointed by that first episode of Kan Colle. I expected something like a blend of Girls und Panzer and Arpeggio of Blue Steel (with much better animation though).
  11. Sweet mother of... is that legit Gubaba? I mean seriously, Richie Pirelli?
  12. Looking forward to seeing and hearing your mighty voice push the enemy back.
  13. The choice of director and main actress has already got me feeling underwhelmed. Hollywood has a poor, poor record with anime adaptations and I fear this one will be no differently. Any word on if Masamune Shirow has a role as an advisor to the film?
  14. The special editions of the Bebop BD set, (specially the Funimation one) sold out almost immediately and are now going for over 3 times their retail price on Ebay. I'd never seen that for a western release of an anime series. I'm glad I got my order in early.
  15. The prices for Macross cels have gone through the roof. I can no longer add anything to my extremely modest collection.
  16. http://anichart.net/winter The 2015 Winter season is upon us and I have to say that it doesn't look too impressive. Besides the second parts of Jojo and Aldnoah Zero, and Durarara there's nothing that's a lock for me. I'm gonna give Kan Colle a watch to see what the hype is all about and Death Parade because it's by Madhouse. I'm hoping for some hidden gems a la Ping Pong or Shirobako from seasons past to impress. Speaking of which, episode 12 from Shirobako was great and had some pretty heavyweight characters appearing in it.
  17. Finally got to see it. Lots and lots of clues about the happenings of the Monogatari series and specially about
  18. Rage of Bahamut ended today. A truly entertaining fantasy show with some great characters.
  19. Agree. They left a lot of the big questions unanswered.
  20. Has anyone posted the trailer for the new Yamato film? If not, here you go.
  21. You could see that trainwreck coming from a mile away. I wonder how it will do at the box office?
  22. I've been reading some stuff on that play that make think you're absolutely right. Apparently Mr. Beckett and his heirs were/are particularly fussy about his material being represented properly. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/04/arts.italy http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/comedy/waiting-for-godot-samuel-beckett-with-baseball-caps-9334277.html http://berkshireonstage.com/2011/02/23/beckett-estate-forbids-post-katrina-waiting-for-godot-in-north-adams/
  23. I'm really hoping Harrison Ford knows what he's talking about with this one. Generally these 20, 30 years later sequels fail to capture much of what made the originals so special. I wish Scott would work more with new productions instead of going back to Blade Runner to be honest.
  24. ^ยจ The director doesn't like vocals too much it seems. Akame Ga Kill. The last episode wasn't too bad, but as whole, the ending arc (which was anime original) was pretty poor. Let's hope the manga does it better.
  25. ^ Good point about the director (had a great laugh at another one of his changes The last episode of Cross Ange gave me in it's second half some Macross vibes.
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