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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. So when's Airwolf getting a remake?
  2. Yup.
  3. The latest episode of Shirobako...was just perfect.
  4. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" I can definitely see the Macross reference there
  5. I thought the same thing. Very familiar.
  6. Time of Eve is really good. If you like it, try to get the movie version in BD. It has some extra scenes ( in HD of course) and it includes some of Yasuhiro Yoshiura's other works, including the excellent Pale Cocoon.
  7. I wonder if the next Macross series will have a shipping war that's in any way comparable to the torrid state of affairs that Frontier brought about.
  8. Latest episode of Cross Ange was glorious (save the Virgin Road quality animation at some points!) We get
  9. Great info Renato. As you said maybe something maybe nothing. I think Okawara's designs lend themselves more to the esthetic of the Aquarion series, but you never know? Interesting times.
  10. I've never seen Voyager do any other anime releases. Are they are Harmony Gold kind of outfit that only has the one batch of licenses and milks that for all that it's worth?
  11. So far it's pretty funny. I can see how Tylor's act could wear thin after a while, so I'm hoping that the other characters will get more screen time. Cross Ange's secret is not taking itself too seriously. When they do an asspull of sorts, they make sure to make fun of it themselves.
  12. Finished watching From The New World. Mindblowing stuff. I watched on Crunchyroll but I'm definitely getting the BD's. It's that good. Absolutely and eminently recommendable series. For a small change of pace, I'm now going back a couple of decades and gonna watch Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Have heard good things about it.
  13. That's Chitoge Kirisakifrom Nisekoi- I think the character designs from that series don't really translate well to figures.
  14. This show keeps disappointing me. It takes itself so seriously (which is perfectly fine if you get it right), yet almost all the characters except two feel paper thin and underdeveloped. And now in this latest episode they
  15. Kudos for having Motoko Aoyama as your Winamp skin
  16. I can see number two in action most of the time, LOL.
  17. Just Indiana Jones. But from what I can gather he's playing Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars film and now Deckard in a Blade Runner sequel. In my own humble opinion there's a certain time and place for each role, and I think at age 72 his has passed.
  18. I know you're asking Keith, but I'd suggest Mahoromatic. On another note, has anyone here watched Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World)? I'm 8 episodes in and I have to say it's one of the strangest, yet most compelling recently made shows I've seen. It's like a mix of Akira, Elfen Lied and a Miyazaki film I really cannot explain it any other way.
  19. I wish Harrison Ford wouldn't reprise all these roles decades later. I'm still recovering from Indiana Jones 4
  20. Thanks for the 21 guys. Interesting to hear how some of you grew into Macross. I can sympathize with the Macross confusion that ScreamMan had. The continuity baffled me and I just didn't understand how Plus an 2 fitted with the original. Fortunately for me I found out the 7 existed when internet was rather more developed so I wasn't saying "Where 4, 5 and 6?"
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