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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Just came back from the cinema....I'm utterly blown away. What an incredible spectacle this was. I got taken for a two hour ride and wasn't let go for a second. Hardy and Theron are every bit as good as advertised.
  2. Your collection is insane jvmacross. Congratulations on your accomplishment.
  3. I'll take what Mikimoto is willing to give us for now!
  4. And the winner of American Idol 2017 singing "We Will Win"..yeah!
  5. I find the amorous logistics of it rather baffling too. Which shows that it was still too subtle for people to pick up on it. But the seeds have been sown.
  6. I suppose you've seen the likes of Akira or Ghost in the Shell, right? Some other films I can recommend from the 80's and 90's. The Wings of Honeammise Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Princess MononokePerfect Blue Grave of the Fireflies Adieu, Galaxy Express 999 Patlabor I and II Angels Egg Arcadia of My Youth and many more...it really depends on what you like A personal favorite of mine is Urusei Yatsura 2. Beautiful Dreamer, but it requires one have a basic knowledge of the Urursei Yatsura series to be enjoyed.
  7. Any else checking out Battle Blood Blockade (Kekkai Sensen)? It's absolutely incredible stuff. It's directed my Rie Matsumoto who also did Kyousou Giga and based on a manga by the same guy who did Trigun. Think a mixture of Baccano, Darker than Black and Space Dandy and you'll get the feel of it. I can warmly recommend it.
  8. I think that finally some people are starting to put the pieces together. But then again it could be that it has been spoiled so many times over the internet that people are just reacting to that.
  9. What killed Reconguista was not the lack of fanservice or what not, but the lack of a good script with relatively consistent characters communicating with flowing logical dialogue. If they'd nailed that, it would have sold well. While mecha has become niche compared to the big idol/harem shows, it still has it's fans, specially the Gundam franchise.
  11. This season so far hasn't been too impressive and I've already dropped a ton of shows (which is good since I only have so much time). Arslan and Oregairu (Teenage SNAFU or however they translated it) are the pick of the bunch and I'm continuing with Jojo and Fate (not as good as Fate Zero but damm the production values are insane). Ore Monogatari is pretty decent too. Unfortunately Sidonia will not be available until it's released on Netflix once the season ends.
  12. It really is very mediocre. I wonder how much is due to the source material and how much is Satelight's adaption (Maybe having all their best people working on the new Macross is having an effect on their other productions, LOL).
  13. I must admit I'm a bit of a cynical sceptic when it comes to sequels, but this trailer had me almost tearing up a little. It just might seem that Abrams nailed the atmosphere and old school feel Star Wars had. And the "Chewie, we're back" had me almost in tears.
  14. One advantage I've had with SAL, is once every blue moon, customs lets the package (which is of course above the 20 Euro threshold for being duty bound) arrive without me having to pay anything. That never happens with EMS or the like when customs always picks up on them and makes me pay the price. And the shipment is stuck with them a couple of days usually before I'm notified how much I have to pay.
  15. Not really anime since it's a western series but there is a Macross relation. A series that I backed on Kickstarter called Cannon Busters is starting production, and have announced that it's none other than Kawamori's Satelight that's assisting them with production and animation. http://www.cannonbusters.com/
  16. Interesting. I wonder if they are going to add some scenes and do the previous 3 as a flashback or something? If the Hollywwod gang adapting GITS are working together with Shirow, I feel a tad better about the upcoming adaption.
  17. So far the spring 2015 season is pretty meh. Other than Arslan and Oregairu (My Teenage SNAFU or whatever dumb name they gave in English) nothing has really delivered. Fate as usual looks great and has insane production values, but the characters are still pretty boring. Also, a lot of stuff didn't get licensed for the first time in a while. I wonder if CR and Funimation are getting more picky , or if licenses are getting more expensive.
  18. You're probably not far from the truth unfortunately!
  19. Ok ending I suppose. I was still disappointed by the show's paper thin characterizations and how they introduced elements to the story that then never get developed. BUt the mecha action was pretty good.
  20. The name Macross has been copyrighted outside of Japan if I understand correctly by Harmony Gold, so I don't think that would be an issue.
  21. A "renegade hero"? It seems time that they've already started on the wrong foot there, LOL. One of two things will happen here. A) it stays in development hell for years and then is quietly dropped for a better project. B) Someone at Sony looks at the franchise and the mess it is, and then Gets the licensing rights sorted. They cannot use Valks without Big West's approval if I understand correctly.
  22. No. That's a region A (The America's, Japan etc). Yes. It's a classic and Anime Limited makes some really nice releases with nice packaging. Moreover, it has the 20 page booklet translated from the Japanese release (which as far as I can tell the American release doesn't have).
  23. That bit was awesome. Someone posted to this somewhere else relating to the very scene. Hilarious. By the way, it's a bit NSFW and please do have headphones on if you click on it.
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