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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I got to see it a film festival and pretty much agree with your take on it. I've read that there's manga and that they did a bit of rush number adapting it. Still not a bad film IMO.
  2. RIP Christopher Lee. One of the actors with the most commanding presence I can remember. On top of all the roles some of you have mentioned, I must mention that I loved his part in a classic British horror film called The Wicker Man. Unforgettable as Lord Summerisle.
  3. I think the NERV tatoo on Gendo's shoulder is a nice touch.
  4. I saw it too! Didn't it have Alec Baldwin as Captain Global?
  5. I don't think we can expect the 4th and final Evangelion film anytime soon. Anno is going to be busy with the live action Godzilla 2016 by Toho. http://variety.com/2015/film/asia/hideaki-anno-and-shinji-higuchi-to-direct-tohos-godzilla-2016-1201464017/
  6. The art/design are fantastic too! While far from current (I always try to watch an 'oldie' while keeping up with the latest series), I've finally started watching Armored Trooper Votoms. Good old school Sunrise anime by Ryosuke Takahashi. I've had those DVD's sitting there for 4 years and with my upcoming summer holiday coming up I think now's as good time as any. So far, so good. I really dig the protagonist Chirico Cuvie and you gotta love the name.
  7. Macross Equilateral? Anyway, it's a big secret. Even Tenjin says so! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interview/2015-06-08/hidetaka-tenjin/.89012
  8. Thanks Gubaba, great find ! So stoked. The next 6 months cannot go fast enough.
  9. Great tip. I'll check it out. I didn't think too much of the Hollywood remake, which funnily enough also directed by a frenchman.
  10. It's a shame that they couldn't get the DAICON videos as extras. That would have been awesome. But there are probably all sorts of rights issues with those. Having Klingon subtitles as stretch goal is the most otaku thing I've ever read, LOL.
  11. Yup. Put up 50 bucks on it just as it came out. Edit: It's less than 7000 away from its goal now. Gainax and Animeigo are an irresistible combination.
  12. Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend. I was listening to Carpenter's soundtrack to Assault on Precinct 13 today. Carpenter did some pretty sweet synth music in his day.
  13. Thank for the info Renato. Interesting. I love the casualness of "so they all popped over to his house and he happened to be at home, so the took some pictures together." It's Arthur C. Clarke we're talking about!
  14. One has to be "between jobs" to tackle that one. Or be prepared to watch it casually over a couple of months.
  15. You're not the only one. Isn't anything holy anymore? I hope they at least have the courtesy not to attempt to recreate the elevator scene.They're never going to match the magnificence of that.
  16. No biggy. As far as I can understand, while the broadcast version will only include teasers, the BD will have a full 30 minute OVA of Blame!.
  17. Spoilers my dear EXO! I mean I've read it was coming but it's still best to be surprised! BTW, Knights of Sidonia is coming out on BD in a couple of weeks. There's a real nice collectors edition too with episodes 1-12 plus a poster, a sticker, 15 postcards, and a foil postcard, all in a chipboard art box.
  18. I loved Crest of the Stars and it's sequels Banner of Stars I,II and III. Banner, specially the first has a lot more focus on 'ships in space'. Keep on watching and you'll be rewarded. Having said that, Yamato 2199 is hard to top so don't set your expectations too high. You could also check out Heroic Age. Not on the level of Yamato 2199, but pretty entertaining in its own way. If you don't mind fansubs, then you absolutely should check out Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
  19. I love em both, but if I had t choose, I'd go for the TV paint schemes.
  20. Love it!
  21. Hey, I don't mind the ocassional romcom or high school drama either. It's just a bit jarring when you start off with a very dystopian sci-fi series with a weird atmosphere to go into that direction. But I love Sidonia nonetheless. It's crazy enjoyable.
  22. The last episode of Fate was hilariously bad. The over the top dialogue is killing this adaption. Someone needs to put some duct tape over Archer's mouth and tell him to get on with it. I just finished the Guin Saga series and I'm pretty interested in finding out how the story continues. They only translated the first 5 volumes to Enlighs Anyone know if the novels were translated to any other language?
  23. Still some weeks until it comes out on Netflix ( cannot find it licensed yet anywhere else) and I'm really looking forward to it despite the weird romcom atmosphere it gets at some point.
  24. Interesting read. Thanks Renato. I'm glad I'm still part of the target audience
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