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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I don't expect Crunchyroll or Funimation to touch Macross with a ten foot pole. There's already an international anime site streaming directly from Japan. It's called Daisuki. Several Satelight shows have streamed on it (Aquarion Logos, M3), so if they were to do it, i'd expect it to be on there. LIke Gubaba says though, it's not gonna happen. If there's one thing that works well at HG it's their legal department.
  2. ON my third rewatch and I must say Delta grows on me more on more. I'm firmly on team Mikumo until proven wrong.
  3. 'Milias Lullaby' was not only performed but also written by Eri Takeda? I did not know that. I think that's a great and pretty underrated song in Macross lore. The lyrics are pretty poignant stuff too.
  4. I think I totally misunderstood that. I thought when they said Lady M they we're refering to Mikumo?
  5. And they still have that bar insanely high. Euphonium is just a visual delight. It's crazy a TV series can look so good.
  6. I don't think I've read exactly that, but I do think Frontier's art and animation were more impressive for 2008 standards than this was for 2015 standards. I feel that Satelights blending of CGI and 2D doesn't look too organic and could be better for what is their flagship product. Just my 0.02. It doesn't detract from viewing pleasure though. Tons of fun!
  7. Stowaways? Singing? Idols? Regults? Cities being flattened within the first 15 minutes? Yup, it's a Macross. With some Sailor Moon mixed in.
  8. Agh! I'm just getting a black screen with some text on it which I assume is telling me that I'm geoblocked. My VPN is letting me down!
  9. Is it up already? I need to configure my VPN then!
  10. Guys thank you very much for such a quick podcast after seeing the show. Appreciate your hard work. I'm a bit surprised about what you've revealed for us, but trying to keep an open mind about things. I get the feeling we're gonna get a lot of angry posters around here though Boomerangs, LOL. What feeling did you get from the japanese fans around you? Do you think this could be a hit?
  11. I like what I see and hear. Cannot wait for the 31st. My VPN is ready.
  12. Good point. There was also a lot of guys who formed part of the Thatanimeblog community like Crusader who were absolutely Frontier crazy. None of those guys around anymore. Most anime bloggers now are firmly slice of life advocates and most really have a hard time hiding their contempt for shows with mecha in them.
  13. LOL, so true. Maybe Miura's switched to Love Live now though. Have you seen the sales the film has in Japan?!
  14. The comic relief character has arrived to lighten the mood.
  15. The good news: A new Berserk anime is on the way. And it's no longer the Golden Age Arc. The bad news: The Berserk manga goes on a hiatus. Again. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-12-21/berserk-gets-new-anime-project-featuring-guts-as-black-swordsman/.96773
  16. Agree. But there could always be a verbal cameo a la Isamu in the last Frontier movie or something of the like? I wonder how long into the series before we find out if she's a daughter or granddaughter.
  17. In a big twist, midway through the series Hayate will be revealed to be travelling the galaxy looking for his long lost father, Nekki Basara.
  18. Like you the whole sequence of the 3 spies bringing a piano, a fridge and all that other crap always seemed far fetched to me, even as a child. Those Regulds must have a lot of space for storage.
  19. saw last night and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It truly captures the spirit, look and feel of the original trilogy and has very little to do with the prequels. Having said that, it still has some small faults that made me feel like Abrams could have done more with this baby
  20. I hope her business plan consists of selling the rights to the Macross name to someone who can actually get something done with it instead of squatting on the property for decades.
  21. Macross Frontier did a very good job in having something for all demographics, from loli Klan through Ranka, Sheryl, Catherine Glass all the way up to Grace (best girl for gentlemen of discerning taste ) Jokes aside, I think most Macross TV series have had some pretty solid older characters, male or female, that actually have interesting roles. I'm hoping that Delta will be no different.
  22. Mikimoto doesn't disappoint. That's one awesome looking Emilia!
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