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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Oh, that's one impressive collection. I love Megazone 23.
  2. If I were the consortium with the anime rights I really wouldn't wait much longer to start with season 2. While it remains as popular as ever, you gotta strike when the iron is hot and consumer taste can change more rapidly than one can imagine.
  3. Can you picture Minmei saying DARLINNNG...
  4. If HBO or Netflix did it I might pay attention to it. But FOX...meh.
  5. I needed something old school to balance out all the new stuff I'm watching so I picked up Argentosoma. The first episode gave me the impression of the series being sort of a lovechild of Evangelion/Infinite Ryvius. MC is one seriously angsty dude.
  6. 2017 release date for the last Evangion film? You're an optimist I see Top 2 shows this season are definitely Erased and Shouwa. Gundam IBO is the best ongoing from the previous seasonMy guilty pleasures have been the shorts Please Tell Me Gyaruko.chan (bless you Japan) and Ojisan and Marshmallow. Short and funny both of them.
  7. To be honest though, 99% of American characters in anime happen to be blonde. From the top of my head, the only 3 American characters I can think of that arent blonde are Dutch from Black Lagoon, Chibodee Crockett from Gundam Fighter G and Kanuka Clancy from Patlabor.
  8. Awesome pictures. Thanks! They might have spoiled Hayate Immelmann's future as a Valkyrie pilot there. But hey, it's not like we couldn't work it out anyway, right?
  9. that's incredible Negotiator! Where's that taking place? Is that in the same town as the Macross Delta ice exhibition?
  10. I'm loving your effort in doing the ultimate Flower Girl sighting guide.
  11. It's a classic case of 'less is more'
  12. Yup, I thought about that too when I watched Schwarzesmarken. Wasn't too sure if it was the real Jlly Rogers' that were the inspiration though,
  13. So much Delta goodness. They must be very confident at Big West that this will a success. 4 simultaneous manga?!! And that poster...Mirage..damn...it's not really not fair for our genki protagonist to compete with that level of hawtness.
  14. The Geneva Convention actually allows for 15 year old's and above to be recruited into the military. Article 4.3.c of Protocol II, additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts, adopted in 1977, states "children who have not attained the age of fifteen years shall neither be recruited in the armed forces or groups nor allowed to take part in hostilities". Having said that, the tendency in most military of functioning nation-states is to avoid using those under the age of 18 to take part in combat operations. I remember reading that, by mistake, the UK actually sent a couple of 17 year olds to Iraq and Afghanistan some years ago. So th ages of Max and Hikaru, specially after the prolonged conflicts Earth has been through previous to the main story of SDFM, are not that much of an eye opener to be honest.
  15. Sony Pictures lawyers are probably going to take a different view if they look into the matter in detail
  16. Thank for another interesting and very informative read. I new that Kawamori had gone to a flight school in the US and been allowed on a jet plane. I did not know that Itano had been there too and passed out though. I find it rather ironic considering the maneuvers he's know for drawing. Your second piece has now answered the trivia question: What do Macross Plus and Thundercats have in common. Great find.
  17. if this release looks so much better like everyone says it does, I'll have no choice but to buy. That's a lot of DYRL's I'm gonna have in my collection.
  18. It's been a great read Gubaba. Some interesting information and insight. Are you planning on doing something similar with other Macross series/OVA? Maybe even Delta?
  19. Ajin, is that one done by the same guys that did Sidonia? I cannot find it streaming anywhere? Is it on Netflix too?
  20. A couple of really strong first chapters so far this season. I'm particularly digging Shouwa Genroku, Dimension W and particularly Erased.
  21. One of the greatest artists of the last 50 years has just left us. David Bowie passed away just days after releasing a brilliant new album. I'm devastated. Lemmy and Bowie in the space of days
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