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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. 24 hours gone so I'm typing without spoiler tags. Hope it's ok. Rewatched the episode with subs and was disappointed to confirm that Ernest Johnson's physical stature is inversely proportional to his talents as a soldier. They're going to have to heavily rely on Walkure if they are going to make any kind of dent on the Windermere forces. Speaking of which, I know the weasel faced officer was meant to be someone we disliked, but like Seto said above, he seemed like the only remotely capable officer in the system. I'm kind of looking forward to the angry/frustrated expressions of the Knights when and if they take out the ruins with reaction weaponry. It's weird because it's supposed to be Macross and my inner hippie is meant to find that kind of thing revolting, but I desperately crave a Windermere loss at this point. Mirage's stare at Freyja there was pretty telling.
  2. Mirage doing "Dakedo Baby" wold feel somewhat out of character. Maybe "Sweet Fantasy"? I think she'd be better off covering her other aunt Emilia? "Heart and Soul" would be wicked!
  3. Anyone know who the guy standing to the left of Mamoru Oshii is? He looks an awful lot like Tricky.
  4. Any chance an Umineko can pilot a Valk now that Messer is gone? They seem pretty feisty.
  5. I said for the last episode. Look for Hayate to have a montage power-up and then release his Valk-dancing skills on the Knights. He'll tapdance on the wind powered by Freyja's sound wave, much to Bogue's righteous anger.
  6. Haven't you watched Rocky IV? Low tech training is the way to go in any training montage.
  7. I've noticed that too. You think it's on purpose by the production team? Or a natural storywise result of Littlefinger leaving the pimpin' business?
  8. I'm feeling no empathy whatsoever with the Windermereans and their "woe is us" narrative. Arrogant and haughty sucker. I hope before that before the inevitable 'let's all be friends to the power of music' end that Delta and NUNS get a couple of punches in. I like how Kaname threw down the gauntlet at Mikumo. Look forward to hearing more of her singing.
  9. The wildfire explanation makes the most sense. It also ties in with the dream Daenerys had at some at some point were she walks in to a burnt Throne Room.
  10. I'm surprised the Riverrun plot point was solved so quickly and without consequence. Maybe Edmure is important later? The most intriguing bit for me was when Qyburn told Cersei something along the lines that the rumours were true and she sort of looked relieved. I wonder what it is that her new trump card is now that the Mountain is out of the equation?
  11. My feelings exactly. I hope it's streamed somewhere accessible and it doesn't go to a limited platform like Amazon Prime.
  12. Ha ha I know exactly what you mean+!
  13. I must say that I'm not enjoying this season of Jojo as much as previous ones. I'm kinda missing the exotic, international settings and characters and the over the top humour the previous ones had. Diamond is Unbreakable is a lot closer to a conventional shounen IMO.
  14. We're all assuming at this point that someone will fill the ranks of Delta to help in the fight against the Knights. Presumably the mysterious Lady M. But there is another M that is just as likely to provide the upgrade that Delta desperately needs to fight the Knights. Never underestimate the power of the Montage. Hayate and Mirage just need a couple of minutes upgrade with the right training montage.
  15. i'm wondering who we will get filling in Messer's shoes (if at all?). Do we get a brand new character? We did get Maximilian Jenius appear in ep.8 in SDFM. Do we get existing characters to start flying? Maybe Kaname decides to stop singing and pilots instead? Or do Delta fight with just 4? Seems a bit light. Maybe Lady M jumps into a Valk and shows the Knights how its done?
  16. Everyone with a contact with that company is delusional so I harbour no hopes for them ever reaching any kind of agreement. Best hope is being sold outright, license and all to a larger, more competent company that will get something done.
  17. One thing I forgot: Once again this episode confirms for me that for some reason I prefer the solo songs over the Walkure material. I don't know if it's the songs itself or how they're arranged.
  18. Yes, she could sail her army to White Harbor which is the main port of the North and I believe even it's biggest city. It's the seat of House Manderly which I believe is pretty loyal to the Starks. Having said that, I believe the Iron Born are pretty capable sailors and could probably sail her to wherever she wanted. Disembarking the Dothraki and their horses would be a logistical nightmare though. I think a possibility is her landing with the intention of fighting the 7 kingdoms and then being informed of the White Walker threat. I can imagine someone like Jon going to her and telling her to help them fight the White Walkers off and then they will bend their knee to her just like they did to Aegon.
  19. Anyone else watching Re:Zero? It's pretty good stuff, reminds me a bit of Steins Gate and ERASED mixed with some SAO.
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