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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Not necessarily. The problem with Delta is subpar writing and directing. It's not the 3 Macross pillars that are the problem. For example, Macross Plus was also not meant to be a Macross story. Kawamori had other ideas for it originally and only made it into a Macross story in order to get the necessary funding. But we can all agree that it turned out pretty well.
  2. We got some slight changes to the promised storyline but otherwise it delivered (at least what I expected). I think they oversold their Kickstarter with the whole "We're gonna save anime" slogan, but I suppose you need to exaggerate in these matters. I hope some production committee likes this OVA enough to make a couple of films or a TV series out of it, but to be honest I won't hold my breath.
  3. I just watched Under The Dog which I had backed in Kickstarter. Very pleased. Not the most original story out there, but if you like a no nonsense 90's style action- with a sci fi feel, it will be right down your alley. I hope someone backs the OVA so a series gets done.
  4. I wonder how many Chiba Sound Units Mikumo put out in this episode?
  5. You made my day with that one!
  6. Nope. It's a short by an extremely talented Polish animator called Damian Nenow. I was fortunate enough to see this on the big screen in a double whammy with Redline (every bit of animation I saw for weeks after that looked terrible in comparison ) His latest work is a film called Another Day of Life (half documentary, half animation), which should come out soon. Check out the trailer.
  7. Thanks Technoblue. That makes sense. This is why sometimes even though Amazon has lower prices and very convenient shipping/tax options, I prefer the readability of CDJapan. I now know how to preorder the rest.
  8. But that's the thing. I ordered the 6265 yen version (which was down in price from 8424) and got the art booklet, the illustrated box with space for 2 more BD's and the Hidetaka Tenjin case (plus the 0.89 ep and the sheet with the codes). Is that the standard then? Is the limited only the stuff with the codes that we gaijin-kuns cannot get anyway?
  9. Just picked my copy at DHL. Very happy and impressed with Amazon's swift delivery and the reasonable shipping and customs fee. still have a hard time understanding their pricing though. Are the 8424 yen versions and the 6265 version the same?
  10. First weeks sales are 8742 units according to Oricon. Not bad, but a lot less than Frontier sold back in the day.
  11. You're being rather optimistic. I think the very earliest we see this is 2019 if that. Anno has said how 3.0 took everything out of him and he's not the fastest of operators as it is.
  12. I've been reflecting about Windermere's dominance, and I believe that pretty soon we'll get the twist, with NUNS (this time led by shady Colonel and the Movember brigade) coming with some kind of massive canceler/jammer to the wind song. Then poor, poor Windermere will be on the verge of destruction only to be saved by Chaos who come to the conclusion that Windermere was a victim and not an agressor.
  13. So far the summer season has had it's hits and misses. But do yourselves a favour and check out 91 Days. It's not everyday you get an anime about the mafia with such a great looking art and music.
  14. Agreed. Real fansubbers have almost disappeared since streaming services have a vast majority of the series available for very little money. That a popular series like Delta goes unlicensed and is thus interesting to the few fansubbers left is pretty unique.
  15. LOL, Gerli. I really hope you're not taking pictures of unsuspecting women in Buenos Aires.
  16. My thoughts exactly. It could have backfired on them if the next big thing had come out in the meantime. You have to strike while the iron is hot. I still think they made it just it in time. I hope the manga can soon reach it's end arc so that they can finish together.
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