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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I like the idea of it being a work of fiction inside of other Macross' series. Makes for a troublefree watch without the headaches of continuity.
  2. The big question here that no one is discussing. Can our wallets sustain the inevitable oncoming onslaught?
  3. Well the manga is finished and in my opinion it's a pretty mediocre finale for what is one of the great manga/anime of our time. Never been too crazy about the story
  4. This season is pretty underwhelming, but Megalobox 2 and Fruits Basket are delivering as expected.
  5. Ha, ha,ha, god that's just awful. I've seen high school art that's of a higher standard. No, my point was worrying about how Harmony Gold might interpret the agreement when it comes to SDFM characters that appear in other Macross shows. For example, Maximilian Jenius and Miria? You cannot have M7 without them. Focker in Zero? II, Plus, Frontier and Delta have no issues of this kind.
  6. I’m over the moon. Finally it is happening. I knew the grip was loosening due to BW slowly but deliberately chipping away at HG’s license stranglehold, but seeing this happen is unexpected. i wonder how Kawamori feels about HG still keeping rights over some of the characters.
  7. Papagane is a hilarious character and Koyasu does a perfect job bringing out his zaniness.
  8. This season has been a bit hit and miss for me. Two of the best things this season are Attack on Titan and Horimiya but being familiar with the source material [spoiler]
  9. It is a rather unique scene even for the standards of the fetish creating locomotive that is manga/anime.
  10. RIP to the big guy.
  11. Basara's VF-19 Excalibur Custom. I could be crew chief and roadie at the same time and service that sweet guitar control scheme.
  12. Anyone else watching Moriarty the Patriot? Much better than I expected. They chart the rise of Moriarty as a protagonist, rather than just Sherlock Holmes 'antagonist. On top of that they develop his background as a social revolutionary, an adopted son of a nobility that rebels against the English class system. It's pretty well made too.
  13. Real good point. The series left a lot of questions unanswered. I fully expect them to address those in the sequel. Otherwise it would be kind of pointless.
  14. Indeed. It's absolutely brutal, sometimes bordering on the sadistic. But the world building is so top notch and the misteries of that world so incredibly compelling that one cannot stop watching.
  15. Yeah, the series finally delivers. The anime production team made some questionable choices in the adaptation which this season feel much less compelling than the last two. This episode fixes that with top notch delivery.
  16. The adaptation of the LN was not very fortunate this season. The writing team for the series seems to like some characters way more than others and its resulted in an awkward leadup to the grand finale.
  17. Milia Fallyna Jenius Completely unprepared for parenthood and have the worst singing voice known to man.
  18. I can only see one video there. Is there some more (perhaps regionblocked?) content?
  19. Deca-dence has been a pretty solid series if you get past the twist in the second episode and Re:Zero has delivered. I dropped God of High School. All flash and no substance. Crunchyroll has been pushing its webtoon adaptations hard but so far they've been pretty poor despite big studio involvements.
  20. Only stuff that makes it onto the screen counts
  21. Welcome to Macross World! Big fan of your work.
  22. I wouldn't mind Kawamori going full on shounen and doing a battle/tournament kind of show with the feisty upstart protagonist showing up unannounced with his custom Valk that he developed with his grandpa (who never shows up and is a Macross 7 veteran). Too cliché?
  23. Yeah its a fantastic series indeed. Looking forward to the sequel. Yup, the last episode was real good too.
  24. This season seems like it will be much less affected than the previous one due to the Covid19 situation. Oregairu season 3 picked right up where the second one ended and all is good with the world. Fire Force S2 and No Guns Life S2- ok so far. God of High School- Crunchyroll is really pushing it's own manwha productions really hard, but I'm not too impressed so far. Pretty basic battle shounen stuff Rent a Girlfriend- I can only cringe so much before my teeth start chipping off. The MC is such an unrelatable loser.
  25. In 2020? Good luck with that. Almost all good quality stuff nowadays is adaptations from manga, novels or the odd game. The production committee system doesn't really allow for giving deep funding for original material unless its from a big, big name director
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