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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I wonder how they are going to go through with it. The novels get pretty dark and loose a lot of the humor that FMP had at the beginning. They might have to change things around a bit in order to sell it in 2017. Watching it too know. Lots of fun. For once a series has actually a good excuse for having a loli acting like an adult.
  2. Watching the second season of Rakugo, Masamune-Kun and IBO. On another note, I had totally missed the fact that they are continuing with the Full Metal Panic story with a new anime series! Talk about a blast from the past! Full Metal Panic Invisible Victory it's called. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2017-01-19/full-metal-panic-invisible-victory-tv-anime-reveals-full-title/.111229
  3. Horrendously late to the party I just watched the first episode of Westworld with the mrs. Fantastic stuff.
  4. Seeing the trailer, I worry about it taking Blade Runner in a more 'generic' dimension. The original film was so influential and the bar was set so hight that this one can only disappoint.
  5. Reading this makes me not want to ever see it. I want to forevermore remember Priss singing the opening of Bubblegum Crisis.
  6. Oh, I have a feed?! Nice!!

  7. I'm almost aroused watching that trailer. 2202 will deliver in spades!
  8. From the trailer it almost seems like a remake of the original. Covering almost all the same ground. I wish they had the guts to do a sequel instead.
  9. I would really consider trying to get my hands on the BD's. Funimation did a fantastic job with those.
  10. New season is pretty disappointing so far. Thank the heavens Gundam IBO carries on into this season too.
  11. Seems I'm hopelessly behind on TV series. Have not watched Westworld or Stranger Things. Should probably cut back on anime (this season looks like it will suck anyway) and catch up.
  12. Finally watched Rogue One after being out of commission for a few weeks. It's not perfect and made some connections that I found headscratching, but it was one heck of an enjoyable film. I think these stand alone films have a lot of potential.
  13. With the latest manga chapter, almost all the mysteries are revealed so I'm thinking we will now enter the final arc were things just come to a head.
  14. 3 Gatsu no Lion (March comes in like a lion) is a pretty interesting series. Strange, I'd never thought I'd get into a series about a shogi player, but there's so much more to the story than shogi. An unexpected little gem this season is To Be Hero. A weird mix between the absurdity of Space Dandy, the scatological humour of Panty and Stocking, with a tiny budget and the most catchy ED tune ever.
  15. I agree. In quite a lot of anime shows I find that sometimes the people behind the shows don't see the forest for the trees. They go into ridiculous amounts of detail for certain things.
  16. Heart and Soul is absolutely magnificent. One of the absolute top Macross songs of all. It has everything. Emilia matches Basara's pipes which is not that easy to do. I'd like to hear Junna have a a go at doing a cover version of it
  17. Keijo is the guilty pleasure sensation of the season! I balance it out with March Comes in like a Lion which is the serious feels anime of the season.
  18. Looks awesome guys. I hope you had fun!
  19. Fukkin glorious all episode long space battle. You could smell the sweat and propellant fuel in this one. For those that say that mecha is dying I tell them, check out Gundam. It's still pumping out quality stuff episode after episode.
  20. TBH, I think their relationship is pretty representative of many marriages/families. I don't want to grossly overgeneralize, but I think women think less about the past than guys and do less dwelling on "the glory days" than men do. She was completely caught up in being a doting wife and mother while he was going on a full midlife crisis., going out drinking with a total hottie like Yuki. Having said that, throwing out a guys Gibson Flying V in korina wood is a total bitch move! Unexcusable. Cautionary Warning is on total rotation in my playlists right now and I donwloaded UFO's Greatest Hit's album to hear more of Mr. Schenker's manic riffs
  21. I cannot believe I've gone great part of my adult life without having watched the greatness that is Legend of Black Heaven. This show is like Macross 7's long lost cousin.
  22. Is anyone else reading the manga? The latest chapter is the absolute revelation about the setting of the story everyone has been waiting for since this started.
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