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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. i don't want to sound like Debbie Downer here, but this new trailer worries me a tad. The major was never some superhero with amnesia. It was never that simple with her. It was more complex, yet a remarkably subdued and angst free questioning of who she was and how the interplay between her body and ghost developed. I hope they just chose too highlights the action bits in the trailer and that they don't dumb GITS down too much.
  2. I'm looking forward to this. The first film was so much fun.
  3. Saw them live for the Achtung Baby tour and they played this as an encore. Amazing song live.
  4. Does it have english subs like the individual BD's did back in the day? Oh, and 2202 looks amazing! Cannot wait!
  5. I have not read the manga so I don't know how it's going there. I've just finished the second season and as far as I can tell
  6. Aren't we all here at MWF a bunch of oldies by anime standards anyway My feeling from reading reactions from all the episodes is that a majority of people didn't dislike the concepts and ideas behind Delta per se, it was just how the story developed in it's second half.I'm quite certain that had Delta ended at episode 13,14 as a single cour, the narrative about the show would be quite different. I think it's very likely considering how well Walkure is doing and the time gap with the new tc series that we get more Delta. And that's ok.
  7. She's got a very pleasant voice and it's a pretty nice cover. She's kind of hard to hear amongst some of the other members of Walkure and I kind of wonder how much she has to change her intonation to play Reina.
  8. Super Bowl spot? That's one pricy advert! They must be confident in that it will do well.
  9. The Megaroad class ship would be a total babe.
  10. I'd definitely have a crack at watching Zeta Gundam from the UC chronology and Turn A Gundam from the other. ANN had a pretty good breakdown that you maybe find useful. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/2015-10-21/mobile-suit-gundam-where-to-start-and-what-worth-watching/.94461
  11. Makes sense. No need to invent a brand new mascot when you have all these recognizable characters already.
  12. It's high time that Basara's offspring makes an appearance
  13. Like I've mentioned before, I believe the speed with which we're getting a new TV series (with an announcement in a Walkure concert no less) makes me think that this will be a story in the Macross Delta universe. It could be a retelling (that's more likely to happen in a movie), a sequel or even a prequel. A sequel could keep on using Walkure as it's musical vehicle, and maybe move onto a new love triangle with Freyja taking a step back as MC.
  14. Wow, wow, wow. When have I ever said that Macross should go back to being what it was in the 80's?? I'm pretty sure you must be mistaking me for someone else. I am no nostalgist. I'm a pretty keen anime watcher (even the 2017 variety) and look forward to Macross being developed and going into the future. My reservations with Delta are related to the lack of story in the second half and what I felt was poor writing overall. Which as far as I can remember is an opinion you share. Having said that, I do feel that this is a forum and people should be entitled to express their distaste for a show and HannouHeiki post came across as patronizing and condescending towards others who do not share his opinion.
  15. I agree with this. I don't understand why fans cannot express themselves about their feelings on a Macross series on a Macross forum? One last point I'd like to make is that one should be careful of conflating Walkure's success with Delta's. They are not one and the same. And while Delta had reasonably ok sales, it paled compared to Frontier's. I still think that Delta has a lot of potential in the hands of a good writer and director. Give Delta a good script and you have a homerun hit on your hands.
  16. Ha ha, love that little homage. Anyone who's seen Macross Plus cannot miss it, but its short and innocuous enough to be able to resist the lawyers of that which shall not be named.
  17. A welcome bit of news. We've never had so little time between TV series in Macross, have we? Precisely due to the short turn around and Walkure's popularity I'm expecting this to be in the same universe as Delta. A sequel with a new triangle maybe? Reboot?
  18. I can definitely see why! Checking out the second cour of Ajin. Once you get past the lousy CGI animation, its a pretty darned good series.
  19. There has never been 2 TV series so lose after another, right? This is probably a follow up to Delta of some sort
  20. Picked up from a pile of DVD's my bro had something called Plastic Little. Nothing made much sense and the title has no bearing whatsoever with the story. What is does have is a lot of random topless nudity and ADV went so far as to have a "jiggle counter" (granted Satoshi Urushihara does draw and animate racks better than anyone in the business). LOL. Definitely entered the so bad it's good category.
  21. So true. This episode was absolutely magnificent though. The drama and the action were irresistible. Such a great time to be alive for Gundam fans. One gets stuff like IBO, Thunderbolt and Origin. Macross gets friggin Delta and the Aerial Knights. So sad!
  22. Me too. I was very surprised to read that there's a lot of people who don't like the first one. It's a fantastic film and Arnold's original Terminator is terrifying.
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