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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. They should include language in these deals to make sure this doesn't happen. A kind of use it or lose it clause.
  2. Let's look on the bright side. At least they don't mess with the story too much.
  3. That' exactly what pisses me off so much. Berserk is a huuuggee property. The manga has been translated to so many languages and sold 8 million copies outside Japan (and more than 25 million in Japan). It should be getting the top of the line adaptation treatment by a big studio like Madhouse, not what it has now.
  4. very good point made above about the lack of auditions for new singing talent. Indicates strongly that this is a sequel to Delta or that we're getting existing singers from the Macross universe.
  5. So besides the longer hair, Sheryl seems to have a cup size or two by the look of that short clip.
  6. It's a shame that Berserk, being a fantasy series with lots of action, gets such shoddy 3D animation from a minor studio, while slice of life novels get top of the line 2D animation adaptions. It's a crazy world out there.
  7. Problem is that they licensed it an age almost 2 years ago and have made absolutely no movement on it yet. It's almost as if they were squatting on the license for some reason. I hope the pulling of LOGH from YouTube might be an indication that they are finally ready to do something. It's been really frustrating waiting for news on such an important property. At least we've had Haikasoru start their release of the novels. We're up to number 3 now.
  8. That's what I read in Twitter too.
  9. Madoka is really something else. Make sure to catch the films. While not as powerful thematically as the series, the level of visual artistry on them is on another level.
  10. The more I read about the film, the more I worry about that for all the talk of respecting the 95 film and source material, they are going for a straight Hollywood popcorn flick. Still buying my tickets for the premiere in my city though.
  11. More Sheryl?! That's excellent news. I really liked her character. I wonder if she's making some kind of cameo in a Delta storyline or if she 's having a more substantial role. Or maybe she's Lady M
  12. I'd prefer the fate of the Megaroad 1 to remain a mistery, but with the hints being left in Frontier and the talk of Lady M in Delta, it seems that sooner or later they will bring it up. I just hope they don't butcher it with some silly retcon of previous Macross iterations.
  13. Ha, ha, ha, that really gave me a good laugh.
  14. Still find it hard to believe that such a seminal series still doesn't have a proper BD release in the West. It's a pity that 3 of the most classic sci-fi anime ever made (Macross, Yamato and Evanglion) are caught up in some sort of bad licensing or rights ownership hell.
  15. I'm disappointed. I was really looking forward to purchasing this. I'm hoping it's only due to them having some sort of licensing deal incoming. If not, they're setting themselves up for piracy and fansubbing. Most animation studios understand this and have plan accordingly and we get almost 90% of series within days if not hours via streaming of some sort.
  16. I think Maoyu simply didn't have the necessary sales to allow it to have the second season (which as far as I can remember was actually planned at one point). A shame really since it had a decent premise and engaging characters.
  17. Episode 8 of Seiren (fluff romance anime) has a mention of the pinpoint barrier.
  18. Not too shabby a job with this cover version. Thanks for posting it.
  19. Pretty impressive range she exhibits here! You could never guess it was the same voice behind Reina.
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