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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I'd enjoy a twist were one of the Walkure girls has to 'leave' and they recruit Mirage to do some singing with them. Just seeing her blushing face every time she was faced with a wardrobe change would be worth the price of admission.
  2. First episode of the second season starts right were it left off at the end of S1 and wastes no time in getting into action mode. Some nasty gory scenes too. Attack on Titan is back big time! Didn't like the OP as much this time though. Too much of a rehash. And if you have NOT read the manga, do yourself a favor and avoid the ED. It's so spoilerific that I have to ask myself what the shows director was thinking.
  3. The last trailer that played before GITS in my cinema was The Fast and the Furious 8. I cringed 3 times during a minute of trailer. If that's what people are enjoying now, it really is no surprised that they made GITS more light than the Oshii films or Kamiyama TV series.
  4. Agree with most of your points. I don't know what the heck happened in the last 10-12 episodes. This series was shaping up to be one of the best Gundam TV series since the vintage UC years and then it all dropped off.
  5. Just came out of the theater and I'm happy but not over the moon. Like others, I'm very pleased with the homages and visuals that are true to the source material. The tone and choices of actors are good too. The music is a bit meh but I'll forgive because of that ending. What I didn't like as much was the dialogue. It felt a bit dumbed down from the original. It felt like everything had to be explained and left little for the viewer to chew. I wish they had shown more and said less in a way.
  6. Scared the crap out of me back in the day, but agree that it didn't age as well as other classic horror stuff. The trailer for the remake looks good.
  7. Enjoyed myself silly watching this. My mrs was hesitant at first but came around to it and ended up loving it. Cannot wait for season 2.
  8. Going through the TV series right now. Highly enjoyable. Leading men like Cobra would never make the cut in the current anime market though.
  9. Where the heck you find this?!!
  10. Willem Dafoe is perfect as the voice of the shinigami. I wonder if this adaption will have the shounen antagonists. Somehow that doesn't translate as well to Western production.
  11. I think the first film is going to focus on the first Summer of Love. Renton's dad as an MC is a distinct possibility.
  12. My cautious optimism is turning to outright euphoria. Have my tickets for the premiere here on the 1st of April
  13. So, Eureka 7 is having a reboot of sorts with a prequel film and 2 films that are are a retelling of the original tv series. The good news is thad Dai Sato is back on board for this one. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-03-17/eureka-seven-gets-film-trilogy-set-a-decade-earlier-with-new-hardfloor-song/.113546
  14. Selling and marketing something in another country is a massive undertaking best reserved for companies with a certain size and capability. Voyager are going to loose so much potential income for insisting on doing it themselves. They would make more money getting Sentai/Funi or the like releasing their stuff no matter how big their share of the cut was.
  15. Just finished watching the first Space Adventure Cobra film. Man they did good anime films in the 80's. It must have been awesome to see this stuff in the cinema back in the day.
  16. The first contact from space will be a petition for some more Chuck Berry. This is a known fact.
  17. Thanks. Really appreciate it.
  18. Thanks guys, always interesting to hear about all the Macross activity going on at street level over there. 1. I like how you use timestamps. Gives a chance to hear it in in bits and pieces when one doesn't have 2 hours to hear the podcast. 2. CowboyBebop and Macross concert!! Awesome! An absolutely dream scenario for me. Shame that the crowds were modest. I'd kill to hear Wanna be an Angel live. Any chance the ThanksK Orchestra releases a CD?
  19. I'd travel to Japan, track him down and slap him senseless screaming " A quarter of a century of manga for this!!!" if that was the case. Seriously now, I don't think he'll ever finish it. He's at least 50 or 60 chapters aways from anything resembling an ending and at the pace he's going...doubt it
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