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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Why show it when you can say it?! I think they're saving animation budget for the grand finale.
  2. My only beef with Re:Creators is that there's waaaaay to much expository dialogue. A brilliant premise let down by bad writing. They should let the audience work out more things by themselves. Too much talking. Saw Blame! finally and loved every minute of it. They change a lot of stuff from the manga but not to the detriment of the story, Loved the work they did in bringing Nihei's mad vision to life.
  3. Man I'd kill to be there and hear that. I love the orchestral Macross stuff.
  4. Finally got to watch My Name. Classic Makoto Shinkai. The same themes he has been exploring since The Place Promised in our ...Days. Very well done. My only gripe was the music. The generic cheesy rock/pop on some pivotal scenes ruined the effect of them. It would have been much better to have no music or an instrumental track. Should have hired Yoko Kanno
  5. Bloody hell! Netflix is always spamming me with news about series I don't care to watch and when they finally have something, I have to use the search function to find it. Been doing the same for years. But I've found that I've read so far past where the series is now that I forget a lot of stuff and thus I'm generally surprised when things happen. Double the enjoyment!
  6. Thanks Shawn! This is awesome!
  7. Ais, best girl. It's already out? May I ask where you watched it?
  8. Best wallpapers in a while. Just a shame that the ladies are on the right side and not the left. Mac OS orders files from right to left
  9. I can't believe it. It seems that all the voices of my teenage years have been taken way too early from us. Cobain, Layne Staley, Scott Weiland and now Chris Cornell. The latter really hits me more because I thought he'd gotten over his demons, specially at age 52. What a sad, sad day.
  10. The death of Satoshi Kon was a massive loss for anime. Such an incredibly gifted director.
  11. Just got volume nr. 9 from Delta and my collection is now complete. It's weird. Delta is the first Macross production that I purchase completely from Japan as the same time as it's being released over there (did the same with the subtlitled Frontier movies and Plus, but those were special releases). Normally I would be all over a new purchase and seeing it twice over. But I left the rewatch at volume 6 and have not moved on there. Will probably be a while before I do. More than anything, I felt it was important to show Big West that there is a market for subtitled Macross releases overseas and hope they continue the practice with the next (and hopefully better) Macross production.
  12. 110 episodes to be exact. I do not disagree with your take, but their silence on the matter has been baffling. I think they could have handled it differently at least from a PR perspective I also don't think that anyone would prepare and release all the episodes in one release. I'm expecting something along the lines of 4 releases for 4 seasons. That's not including of course the Gaiden.
  13. I've had Last Exile sitting on my shelf and finally getting around to watching it. Really liking it too. Bones went all out with this. The early 2000's get a lot of stick from modern anime watchers, but I really miss the ambition some of those shows had in the day.
  14. I can't fin the link now, but some guy on Reddit said that Sentai had been asked several times during the Animeexpo about it, and they said along the lines that "they really wanted to get it right, and that takes time.". They offered no firm time horizon on it though. I don't know if that's a classic PR response or if they really mean it. But at the very least I don't think we will see anything happen this year. I hope Japanese licensors become much stricter with this sort of thing and include "use it or lose it" clauses in ther licensing contracts. What is it with the great space operas and their licensing problems btw? Macross, Yamato, LOGH...None get the proper widespread Western release they deserve.
  15. This I wholeheartedly agree with. Other than the odd cameo I'd prefer not to revisit main characters. It'd be fine if it was secondary characters that came into a new Macross iteration. Still feel it will be in the Delta context though. Walkure is still pretty popular. Gotta strike the iron while it's hot.
  16. Haha, don't rule it out. Cautious about this one.
  17. Enjoy! Holo is one my favorite characters in anime.
  18. Just came out on cinemas here, I need to check it out. I like SHinkai, I've seen his stuff from long ago, but I'm worried about the massive hype this film has gotten. It will be hard to live up to it IMO.
  19. The recency bias is quite strong on that list. Some baffling choices too. Joker Game is that popular? Seeing Legend of the Galactic Heroes there is a massive and welcome surprise though.
  20. Agree. He really seems to have had a plan all along and wasn't making stuff up as he went along (which I cannot say for a lot of manga).
  21. This is a pretty eventful anime season. Great if you're into fantasy stuff. We have Attack on Titan II (right were we left off) Berserk (still the same crummy 3D but they are at least respecting the story) Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul (love it. I wish, wish that MAPPA had gotten to adapt Berserk. The animation and art are sooo good). Let's add to that Kado and Re:Creators and one is really spoilt for choice.
  22. im not that surprised by the lack of traction of GITS in the west. This kind of sci-fi no longer sells well (unless there's a gargantuan name behind it a la James Cameron/Spielberg). Big sellers now have big recognizable properties, ensemble casts, lots of comedy shoehorned in etc.
  23. I think the budget will allow animation to be better this time around.
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