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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Damn Alto can be pretty!!
  2. How unbelievably consistent of him!!
  3. No, no, no we don't. If they flesh Brera out a bit, fine. But focusing on him for more than 30 seconds would be rather boring. He's there to be a nemesis for Alto and emo eye candy for some.
  4. But wasn't the story that the ship dissapeared? With such unbelievably popular characters, it was lose, lose whatever they did to them.
  5. A lot of people are just setting their hopes on a DYRL kind of situation where the love triangle DID get some resolution... It'll be a great movie no matter what.
  6. Bebop was immensely popular in Japan as well as being a breakthrough series in the West. One thing I've always thought helped Bebop, is that it has one of the best english dubs ever for an anime. Normally I always watch anime with subs, but Bebop is one of the few where I can go either way. Hellsing was another.
  7. Agree with you that using terms like "hate" is a bit strong for an anime character. Having said that, (and I'm sure this has been discussed to death in other parts of the forum) it seemed to me that the team that wrote Macross Frontier at some point just gave up on developing the relationship between Alto and Ranka. They weren't even on screen together for like the last episodes or so.
  8. Shery ending up with Brera... No, no, no,nooooo!!!!
  9. I think a certain Ms. Glass would get "presidential" on any girl in an Ozma harem...
  10. Cowboy Bebop is definitely one my favourite shows (not only anime). And you're absolutely right about the myriad references to popular culture. One episode I love is Pierrot La Fou. It not only has a great influence from Batman, but it also has a Pink Floyd cover "ON the Run". Gotta love it!
  11. I suppose I can take everything, as long as it doesn't mean Brera wiping the floor with my Alto-hime... My poor forlorn heart couldn't take much more of it last time around.
  12. The Macross cannons are just amazing. I don't think they've been topped so far...
  13. Just looking at that last scan and seeing Klan crying tells me there won't be too many changes to the story.... Poor Klan!
  14. Totally off topic Gubaba: I can't help noticing your avatar and I feel like I really have to ask you a question.. What was Basara like in college??
  15. My local Metro train had a rice krispies ad on the side...sniff... That's it....I'm moving to Japan and riding that train!
  16. Those are some great scans..Thanks!!
  17. How bout some Zentradi panty snatching? Full size of course. That would give the story a whole other angle.
  18. Now I'm rreaaaaallyyy looking forward to movie no.2!
  19. Let's hope then that Macross remains one the "key franchises" that doesn't suffer from this. I think that Frontier did a pretty good job of incorporating some of the currently fashionable imagery and behaviour in a a classic Macross setting. And since the series did pretty well in Japan, I don't think they'll feel the temptation to "dumb" the series down. At least I hope so...
  20. Gainax has been pretty lazy the last 7 or 8 years, don't you think? All these sequels and remakes (except Gurren Laggan) just scream complacency to me. And this from the studio that made Gunbuster, Nadia and NGE.
  21. Sometimes you just have to cut corners, right
  22. Look pretty interesting. Thanks for the heads up!
  23. Terribly embarrassing, but I own the entire run of the "Love Hina" manga...
  24. They do look like dynamite. On the other hand one has to be thankful that the thong outfit actually has a cape over it.
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