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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. That means Kakizaki was making really good money!!
  2. I think you're right in arguing that Evangelion has little to do with religion in itself. It uses religious symbols and imagery to get across a story. Correct me if I'm wrong Pete, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the word used for the Angels is Evangelion is "shito" which in japanese can also mean messenger or emissary. It doesn't necessary mean "angel" as Christians understand it...
  3. The guys in black would so totally confuse me! Thanks for the culture lesson...
  4. Same here. But alas, 10000 kilometers away one has to patiently wait for the dvd like many others...
  5. Well he does seem to have the toughest mecha of them all! Just look at the way he blocks those shots from the enemy with the forearms of his Valkyrie... It'll be fun to see from this point on how many times Basara if forced to use force...
  6. Good point. Mylene is at this point mature for her age but she's still only 14 right? On the other hand her reaction is quite positive I think. She show's Basara she cares while at the same time enjoying some alone time with him...
  7. Misa can look just as fine as anyone if she gets the right outfit and smiles...
  8. Those are some damn fine pictures you found. Love the 3 songstress with their matching mecha flying overhead. And while I watched M7 I never though that Mylene was fine, but in the last picture....Pure jailbait!!
  9. So then by all means avoid the following!
  10. I've read several good reasons to join the Seto cult but so far only one truly compelling one... Pictures of girls dressed up as Ishtar!!! Make me a believer!!!
  11. a) The credits almost always contain at least one..."I can't believe she/he is in this one too!!" b) I'll have to come round to watching the Lupin III series one day. It's actually one of the few old series that you can get easily over here...
  12. Not as long as you finish the steak... That was Kakizaki's mistake. Finish the steak, outrun the blast radius... That's a motto to live by.
  13. Well I suppose you are well versed in physics, or chemistry, or similar.. Me, I'm astonishingly ignorant in these matters. Hence my reluctance.
  14. Just one last comment about Mobile Police Patlabor. All the time while listening to the opening theme I kept on thinking: "Where have I heard that voice before?? I know it from somewhere" I checked ANN and found out that the theme song is sung by none other than Hiroko Kasahara, Ishtar's voice...
  15. And that's all there is to it! Musn't break our heads with the physics of outer space when it comes to M7!
  16. Just finished watching Mobile Police Patlabor, the original 7 episode OVA... It just reminded me why I fell in love with anime... and totally surprised me. I mean its the first time in my life that I felt like putting "funny" and "Mamoru Oshii" in the same sentence. I didn't think the man was capable of humour. I was totally wrong. Every episode had at least one laugh out loud moment. And while it has some nice mecha, they aren't really the main focus of the show..just a vehicle. I'm now very unsure on whether to watch Legends of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Spiral Labyrinth. The reason I'm unsure, is because I'm one of those people who holds Legend of Galactic Heroes high on a pedestal and believes it to be one of the finest series ever (of any medium!). Hence I'm a bit unsure on whether to sully my memories of LOGH with a related product not quite of the same calibre... Thoughts anyone??
  17. Clearly grazing for me. At first, I felt no pain...It came later...with a vengeance!!
  18. Seto Kaiba has a site?? Me wants to see it! I hope it comes with all sort of obscure and arcane Macross knowledge...
  19. I agree that a standard rock/pop soundtrack wouldn't have worked, but quite frankly I think the composer could have done a better job at it. I didn't mind the music that the Mu used to control their Golems (I think that's what they called them??), but some of the other background stuff was just...lame.
  20. Finally fixed my problem... Good episode and great review as always... Yeah, it was a bad day at the office for Basara but getting kissed by the hottest biker girl in the galaxy is not a bad thing. And then have a happy Mylene pilot you home is not bad either. Just a couple of things about this episode.. We start seeing Gamlin's softer side after his conversation with Miriya regarding seeing Mylene. Its funny to see him blush a little when confronted by his superior on the matter... We hear maybe for the first time that the ships they are fighting could be heavily modified UN spacy. And did you guys catch that Earth had been contacted about the difficulties faced by the M7 convoy and decided not to help? Typical top brass respone in Macross. Just a bit of trivia perhaps bu we hear a lot of music from Macross Plus in this episode. At the beggining of the episode Mylene and Basara are listening to After in the Dark in the car. Later when Gamlin is talking to Miria in the bar, More than 3 cm is playing in the background.
  21. Embarrasingly enough after being the the one calling for episode 5 to be watched, I seem to be having problems with my quicktime player... Hope to get it fixed asap...
  22. Raxephon is an absolutely outstanding anime. The art, design and just the whole texture were just better than anything in its. I agree with you that the EVA clone angle is not quite accurate since it really has a lot of different to offer to EVA. While the OP song is great, I do think that in general Raxephon is let down by its music. Some of the melodies are just so strangely atonal or experimental that they distracted me from the action on the screen. A shame really.
  23. I think its pretty spectacular. It just oozes power!
  24. Its going to be friday soon. Is the MW watching M7 together effort continuing, or what?
  25. That's true. And its what makes Macross Plus so poignant...
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