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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Basara is 21?? I'm surprised there's even a date of birth for him. I thought his origins were shrouded in mistery?
  2. I seriously doubt moe free anime is possible in this day and age but lets hope you're right and it turns out all right. Do you know if its licensed already?
  3. Just was thinking that there aren't enough Sara & Mao pics around and you come up with these. Thanks
  4. I'd have to say that even though Mylene is totally opposed to an arranged marriage, she's also had her interest piqued by the young pilot who together with Basara saved their lives, don't you think? Of course being able to stay in the band is her paramount concern, but I think we can't rule out that she could genuinely want to meet up with a hot shot pilot. And thanks a lot for the info on MY Soul for You!
  5. Poor Sheryl always get's the slurmtiest outfit. Then again, she wears them so well...
  6. Thanks Again for the post!
  7. The story is really well put together. Nothing groundbreaking, just good solid storytelling. And the ending...it's totally sad and dark, yet also strangely sweet.
  8. There are some really nice M7 images under that link. Thanks for posting!
  9. He totally gets it!
  10. Could not agree more that with those 2 statements! My take> Movie of the decade: Lord of the Rings (all 3 of them) Now that's how you adapt complicated source material in an adult manner that yet can appeal to anyone (Hollywood why didn't you pay enough attention!) Man of the decade: Usain Bolt Anyone who runs that unbelievably fast and then celebrates in such ridiculous fashion deserves to be rewarded with this accolade.
  11. Just finished watching Elfen Lied. Incredibly disturbing yet brilliant at the same time. It really highlights how cruel humans can be to one another. And I still can't find that soundtrack anywhere. I'm gonna have no choice but to download it.
  12. Please do if you find the time. Any Ishtar images are most welcome!
  13. That was a classic moment. One of those allusions that just is too blatant to be overlooked...
  14. No, its actually the 2nd thing I think about after being hapy for those two! Do you know how much the light novels actually follow the series script?
  15. Poor "light novel" Ranka! Thanks for the translation... Let's see how they end it in the 2nd movie...
  16. You, sir are an absolutely heartless and vicious person. How dare inflict such a unflinchingly relentless four minute attack of pure unadulterated Macross awesomeness on poor, defenceless and unsuspecting Robotech fans?? How are they gonna deal with such "shock and awe"?
  17. Diebuster as a standalone is all right I guess. It's just that compared to Gunbuster i found it a bit lacking. But it's still a very entertaining on a very epic scale. The art and animation really reminded me of FLCL.
  18. LOL. I found a site that deals with some of these paralells and coincidences. Seeing some of the images side by side, really gives you a sense how much alike they are. http://www.thesecretofbluewater.com/nadieva-i.htm
  19. Just recently watched Nadia for the first time and was simply amazed about how many elements of Eva I could recognize in Nadia. From the obvious like character and art design, to character interplay, dialogue and eventually story. Nadia besides being a really entertaining anime (except those awful filler episodes.) really was a testing ground for ideas for Eva.
  20. Great writeup as always Pete. Gamlin is indeed a bit more complex than people give him credit for. I love the bit at the beggining when he's trying to hack into the military records to find out info about Basara's ride. He looks like a total psycho. It's cool to see Basara at this point in the series when he's basically a unknown except in some circles, and see the eventual evolution into a galactic legend. One thing I found interesting as well, is the revelation that Gepelnitch actually specifically requested a sample of musician's spiritia. Maybe it's just a case of trying to ascertain whether all musicians share Basara's propensity for high spiritia readings. Or maybe its a reflection on part of the series creators as to how artists may posses a higher level of feeling. My favourite quote from the episode is when Gamlin and Basara are racing through the corridors of the Mark Twain and an high strung Gamlin asks what Basara's connection to the military is. "What's your connection to the military?! What unit do you serve in?!" "The rock band Fire Bomber!" One last thing. When we discussed episode 5, I focused on how much music from earlier Macross' is used on M7 to balance Fire Bomber. While in episode 5 there was a lot of Macross Plus stuff, in this instalment we got at least 3 Macross II tracks. It may not be canon but they sure use a lot of music from it. The 2 very 80s sounding ones (Mylene shower scene: It's because it's That Future/Pop Band playing after Fire Bomber: Banana Moon of Love) are sung by Yuko Sato. And the sax number is actually the intro from my favourite Macross II number "For Now a Friend" sung by Tomoyo Sato. Towards the end of the chapter Basara plays the acoustic guitar only version of "My Soul for You". If anyone has that number please let me know I've been trying to get it for years!
  21. Are we talking about that night in episode 22 at the Saotome residence? Or do the light novels follow a different line completely?
  22. Apostle or disciple? Wow! The plot thickens...
  23. Just started watching Elfen Lied. Not bad so far (4 episodes). Nice buildup, good story. Not too crazy about the character design though. Those huge eyes with the big glare are a bit too much for me. The music though is absolutely amazing. So much so that I tried tracking down the OST down on several websites (ebay, amazon, cdjapan) to no avail. Those anyone know if it can be had comercially?
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