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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I so hope they fansub that baby! A story about black lace panties. And some purists were upset at the fact that there was a Frontier episode about panties! Imagine the uproar about this one...
  2. Now thats an episode one cannot miss. Unfortunately for me I'll be in a cabin with no electricity or internet connection so I'll have to join the discussion later...
  3. We can only dream that this would happen someday...
  4. Good links! It's nice to see so many Macross sites out there..
  5. Sounds good to me...If others want to keep on schedule then its fine and dandy too. We'll just catch up on the 2nd...Hope those who are behind schedule can catch up too...
  6. I don't know who they outsourced that chapter to, but everytime I see it I can't help but thinking that the designs and animation were just atrocious... IN some of those shots Hikaru almost resembles Kakizaki
  7. Well I am going on holiday this thursday (and into the wild) so I'll be gone from the forum for a week or so. But I'll be back on the 2nd to catch up on all necessary chapters...
  8. That's what I love about this forum. Such knowledgeable people... I stand corrected. No blue silk robe. Ray was wearing a blue jinbei
  9. You know who I feel was missing out on beach attire? Flower Girl! It would have been nice to see her in a white swimsuit instead of that white victoria outfit that she always wears. Now that would have been something. And of course Michael might have enjoyed it... Interesting too see those X-Men vs. Macross 7 pics. And the Gamlin vs. Basara dynamic does have some resemblance to Cyclops/Wolverine, doesn't it?
  10. Why is it that Alto seems to be struggling everytime he's pictured between Ranka and Sheryl? Enjoy the ride man!
  11. Does this mean that you have already translated some parts of Macross The First?
  12. I meant absolutely nothing bad by it! This I swear by the soft folds of Ray's blue silk robe... Just making it clear that my knowledge of physics and chemistry is so limited that I run the risk of saying something completely stupid if I stay on the science subject... Interesting to read your take on the many uses of water on that particular ship. In Frontier they never reallly go into detail, but I suppose that the large mass of water on Frontier 1 was also the ships water supply? Good point Master Dex about the attacks being directed to wherever Fire Bomber is located. You would have thought that the "genius" Maximilian Jenus would have worked it out by now... Michael is a total perv. Checking out the curves of your bosses 14 year old daughter is a total no-no. Then again it's probably his way of getting payback against the very demanding mayor of his... And I'm I the only one who would have liked to see more of the Riviera's bridge bunnies?
  13. Its saturday and we have no episode review yet which means Pete is still experiencing technical difficulties. So here I go with my first review... EPISODE 7- SUMMER ACCIDENT It's a typical anime theme to have a beach episode and since no preceding Macross had done it, M7 wandered into the unknown and had a beach episode...in space. This is episode is in my view absoluely priceless if anything else for giving us the chance to see Ray fishing in a blue silk robe and Veffidas wearing shades. Hold the laughs, since they actually handled the whole thing quite well, although I'm sure that some of the more scientifically minded people in these forums will later tell us how transporting all that water on a spaceship for recreation purposes is a lode of whishwash...Anyway... Mylene and Basara's cat and mouse dynamic has really started to develop. Mylene once again is showing that she's trying to be a professional by using her network to land Fire Bomber a gig at the expensive marine resort ship Riviera. And Basara displays his unyielding views, he does things his way and refusing to play any ballads for the glitzy crowd at the concert. I loved when he tell Mylene "Our music isn't for people who just want to kill time". I feel that it's the kind of line that a true musician would have used. 'Not surprisingly', Gamlin is also at the riviera and has a date with Mylene. In my view, Mylene inadvertently reveals the depth of her burgeoning feelings for Basara by encouraging Gamlin to "beat the living daylights out of him". I don't think that a normal "bandmate" relationship would cause that depth of feelings...Luckily for us, Gamlin actually shows that he's not a war nut and thinks Mylene's statement is a tad too extreme. Outside the ship, the U.N Spacy is trying to get its stuff together by deploying escorts to all the ships in the fleet, but as usual and under attack by the still at this point unknown Proto-devlin, they get creamed pretty quickly and only the intervention of Gamlin and Diamond Force turns the tide in their favour. More importantly though, during the attack Gamlin sees Mylene and Basara together and he starts questioning what their relationship may be. I don't think that at this point Gamlin has any strong affection for the little bass player, but is he then intrigued by her or just wants to find out about Basara? In any case, he missed out on saving her when she and Basara get trapped. I think Basara once again shows a bit more level headedness than people give him credit for when he and Mylene get trapped in the freezing conditions. By encouraging her to sing , he distracted her from the discomfort caused by the sub-zero temperatures. And then he exhibited remarkable resourcefulness by using a ventilation shaft to get to his Valk and break Mylene out of her icy prison. Not bad. At the end we actually find out that the crowd at the concert actually really enjoyed Fire Bomber's concert and want another one. Go and figure... Not a bad episode all in all. And Basara in shorts? Mylene in bikini? Veffidas in a dominatrix one piece swimsuit? Not too shabby. But I do have to insist on Ray's blue silk robe. Priceless... Right. There it is. Not really a review but more of a series of uncoordinated thoughts. But at least we can get the ball rolling...
  14. Interesting. Any chance you could post more pics?
  15. Please me, me, me!
  16. I briefly had a thing for muscular women back in the late 90s... Ended rather quickly after I actually dated one. So yes, I'm not afraid to confess that Veffidas is too much of a woman for me!
  17. Seem's like there's trouble in paradise...
  18. Last played albums on my ipod are: Muse: The Resistance (a bit of a step down from Black Holes and Revelations) Sigur Ros (Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust) and CD Japan just yesterday delivered Space Bio Charge from Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts!
  19. Agree with Gubaba. Jealousy is the only sentiment possible after seeing those great pictures... Basara +Sheryl= Guaranteed awesomeness Thanks for posting.
  20. Never seen a Nora only pic myself. And I think that Sara is one of the most beautiful characters in all of Macross. Particularly since she is actually quite realistic in more ways than one (no green hair or insane body measurements).
  21. For me it was more like a decade's difference. Saw Plus when it came out on VHS in the states and M7 only when it was available on central anime. It's strange to think that they're actually contemporaries...
  22. The Sentinels as a whole was one weird story. All the character dynamics were all messed up trying to fit them into the mishmash of Robotech (Minmay and Dana Sterling both having been Jonathan Wolff's lovers at one one point springs to mind). And the End of the Circle was plain mystical!
  23. Pete, spending too much time in the Robotech thread has clearly affected your writing! Stay away from the light!!
  24. I can imagine Misa as Eve but not Hikaru as Adam...
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