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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Will probably try to watch it online instead then...
  2. Does anyone know if its been tran- or scanlated yet? An internet search I conducted was negative on the issue
  3. How do you know they haven't done it? Maybe they already have and they just aren't allowed to share this knowledge. Because after all its "classified information", right? Aah, Mikuru-chan...
  4. Yeah, I've read a couple of reviews and they are all pretty negative. Is it really that different from the rest of the Patlabor franchise?
  5. That's a whole different ballgame!
  6. There is unfortunately a lot of that going around. While I understand the necessity of doing it for a tv series, I do hope they didn't do it for 2 hour film!
  7. The trailer does look pretty fantastic. Looks very different from the series...less science fiction and more drama... And just to referring to the conversation we were having in the Macross 7 thread, I really do like Haruhi Suzumiya! When I wrote that I would like to see a greater emphasis placed on technologies that could further space travel I meant no disrespect to the SOS Brigade Leader!
  8. You make some interesting points in your post. Maybe we should bring it to another post though! This space should be completely dedicated to M7 and Veffidas first words
  9. Just watched Patlabor the Movie for the first time, after having watched the OVA last year. Loved it! Mecha anime that adults can enjoy. Its becoming rarer and rarer these days. Gonna watch Patlabor 2 in the next couple of days. Looking forward to it... And then I'll have to get my hands on Patlabor 3 which has never had a region 2 release Sigh...
  10. I suppose that the legendary Shinji scream would have to have been a factor in casting a voice actor for Shinji Ikari.
  11. I'll have to check him out then. That's what I like about this forum. Such smart and polite people. I suppose i should stop writing now about mr. Kaku in the MW rewatches M7 together thread. Unless of course his writings have some fascinating connection to Macross 7...
  12. It's good to see that the double breasted blazer jacket is still a gangster staple in 2047! Thanks for the pics. Have to confess I'd never seen these characters before...
  13. I pray for alien intervention to happen everyday. Not in a Haruhi Suzumiya kinda way, but more out of frustration that mankind instead of developing technologies that will help us travel further into outer space, develops smaller and smaller mp3 players and mobile phones. Maybe we need a little nudge in the right direction. And I do have to check out Mylene's outfit in episode 8...
  14. Just finished downloading the Thora 720p and have gladly confirmed what many of you had been saying about the quality of the audio and video. Superb. Looking forward to soon connect my Mac to my new Sony flatscreen and see Frontier as it's meant to be seen. Just one question. Apart from the 25 videos, there are two files: one ending in ".md5" and the other in ".nfo" which I cannot open. Anyone can tell what they contain and how I can open them? Thanks...
  15. Oh that's right..that's Elma from Dynamite. I was just thrown off by the fact that she was depicted together with Mylene. Just couldn't connect the dots... And please stop messing with poor Gubaba!
  16. Full Metal Panic didn't put you in a Macross-y mood? You mean you didn't perceive the pervasive feeling of trans military kinship between Sousuke Sagara and Gamlin Kinzaki? We're in this for the long run so next week we'll be fine and dandy for episode 8...
  17. My personal taste has always been in favour of subs over dubs , not just for Macross but for all anime in general. Having said that, I believe there's a couple of dubs out there that are excellent, in particular because they're very context relevant. The 2 that I often mention are Cowboy Bebop and Hellsing.
  18. I think Macross Plus is not a bad place to start. It has an intelligent storyline that I feel people who don't generally watch anime can relate to better than some of the other Macross series. And its cinematography is a beauty to behold. Can't wait to watch the Frontier movie to form my own opinion on it. I hope that they don't go overboard on the "fan service"
  19. Nice art. I suppose Elma is another of the Jenus sisters? (As if the green hair didn't give anything away)...
  20. Surprisingly so. But lets hope that no one in M7 starts doing any black magic stuff...right?
  21. LOL And I can imagine worse things to be sacrificed for.
  22. The new scenes look great in these pics... And yes, Grace does look rather...fine...
  23. Sorry to hear about your technical problems Pete. Funnily enough I got a 500gb hard disk for Xmas, so I'm backing up every video, song and pic I own in order to avoid a similar fate... Anyway...It's friday so are we watching a new episode of M7 or what? We are at 8 right? Oh, and Happy New Year to all reading this thread.
  24. Just back from my holiday and found this beautiful pic you've posted. Thanks!! The characters look great. Kinda upgraded yet really close to the original. But Minmei get's a super upgrade compared to some of the others!
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