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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. The excellent translations of the Haruhi Suzumiya novels available at Baka Tsuki have now been removed by request of the copyright holder Hachette Book Group. I had bought the first two novels available in english and then moved on to the Baka Tsuki translations due to the unavailability of the rest of the series. Considering that Hachette is releasing them at the sedate tempo of 2 a year, one can expect to see novel 9 (The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya) sometime in 2013. Sometimes I get the feeling that publishing houses don't get how the internet has changed the world.
  2. Nope. It seems we all neglected our M7 duties this past weekend. I'll try to watch it later today and post my impressions..
  3. Finally started Gurren Lagann. In some ways its totally old school, yet still reminds me a lot of FLCL and Gunbuster 2. I'm a bit worried about watching it because so many people have praised it so much that I'm a bit worried about being slightly underwhelmed. Have avoided the Gurren Lagann thread for fear of spoilers but will of course dive into it as soon as I finish the series.
  4. Firmly in the no remakes/reboots camp. Lightning doesn't strike twice. Wouldn't mind though if the next Macross story takes place place just some years after the Megaroad has departed. It'd be cool to see the early stages of colonization.
  5. Imagine sending out an open challenge to all of Hollywood's producers/directors/screenwriters. "Right guys, try to make all movies released in 2011 without using the above quoted plot device...."
  6. Ziggy Stardust.
  7. I have honestly no idea But Evangelion 2.0 which came out in theatres the 27th of june will see a dvd release sometime in the spring. Roughly around 9 months. So maybe june-july is about right.
  8. You are. If I remember correctly his name is Leonard.
  9. Don't know japanese but I assume that it's the front page to a doiujinshi?
  10. At first I thought you were joking but after 7 minutes of review (despite agreeing with most of what he said) I did click away...
  11. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is another great Bogart movie... Now that you mention it, I can't really think of any remakes of Bogart movies. People probably realize that none of today's male performers could pull them off.
  12. Unfortunately for those of us that live in Europe, the distribution and licensing of anime is a complete disaster an makes it very complicated to find stuff. I used to get most of my stuff from ebay or Amazon in the U.S and Madman in Australia. Unfortunately with the new import tariffs introduced in Denmark this year, I'll have to cut down on that. Even worse than that, I can't see half of the stuff on crunchyroll due to licensing issues. Even stranger than that, every time I try to access Funimations website, I get sent instead to their parent company's (Navarre ) website... Pete: if you buy the japanese DVD to watch on your tv, just make sure that your tv is NTSC compatible. Otherwise you'll just have to watch the DVD on your laptop.
  13. Don't really know the details, but having watched some of Jodorowsky's other work it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Some of his other stuff like El Topo or the Holy Mountain is completely out there. Surreal I guess would describe it best.
  14. Agree with you. I really do. But if you look at the film industry as a whole, there seems to be an almost total lack of screenwriting creativity. It's almost like they ran out of stories of tell. The recycling of scripts is not the exception. It's the norm. Hence the industry's overwhelming need for remakes of successful movies, or as is the case here, have another go at one of the great books of the 20th century. We might not like it, but there it is.
  15. Speaking of Dune. One of the great movie projects that never took off was Alejandro Jodorowsky's take on Dune. Music by Pink Floyd, designs by Giger and Moebius. That would have been one interesting movie. http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/11/17/j...s-dune-des.html
  16. This isn't technically a remake since it stems from a great, great novel, but it fits in the category. http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/filmblog/20...erre-morel-dune Personally I don't Dune is filmable. Even David Lynch couldn't pull it off. Then again if you had asked me 10 years ago I would have told you that Lord of the Rings wasn't doable so what do I know.
  17. I know Sheryl's supposed to provide Frontier's fanservice and all, but this statue is just a tad too much in my opinion
  18. I'll forgive them as long as they can pull off a nice looking ponytail
  19. That is one pretty sexy looking Klan there. Surely the largest chest measurements in anime history. I mean we are talking a couple of metric tons here, aren't we?
  20. Min 1:13 "It is f****** Marky Mark.... I don't care what he call's himself now, it's just like: Feel It, Feel It! The underwear dude!" LOL The funniest line about the most overrated actor in Hollywood And yup, I really hope they don't remake more Planet of the Apes stuff. I don't know why they insist on remaking films that were very good to begin with.
  21. Gonna (finally!) be able to watch Gurren Laggan starting next week... I'm really looking forward to it, specially considering the really positive reviews it get by most people in this forum
  22. I wear glasses so I have to confess it was slightly uncomfortable to wear the glasses to begin with...At least a couple of people I know reported having a bit of a headache after using the 3-D glasses. I suppose that the technology will improve and the glasses will get better and more comfortable. But I don't think 3-d will become mainstream anytime soon...
  23. They do look really nice, don't they? Almost makes me want to download them (don't really know where to though) and replace my old trusty Central Anime version!
  24. Basara still wasn't around to save them
  25. Like Master Dex I really liked this episode since it really moves the plot along. So far the story has moved along slowly, and its only now in episode 10 that we get the answer to the question that has been nagging at Gamlin. Why does Nekki Basara have a state of the art VF-19 for his own personal use? And is Max so nonchalant about Basara intervening in the ongoing battles with the invaders (although poor Gamlin is still being kept in the dark about it!). One thing that surprised me was how physical Basara can actually get when tested by the "vampires". Whilst Ray and Veffidas are considerably larger and stronger looking that Basara, he's the only one the shoves them or pushes them out of the way when they are being chased. We're made well aware by this episode of Ray's pacifism, but Veffidas' reluctance to engage in any kind of conflict is still a mystery upon to this point. I mean, she does look like she'd be kind of useful in a fight! Don't you get the feeling that this goes all the way to the top up to Max himself, and the mysterious "Operation M"?? Am I the only one who finds the name "Pink Pecker Squadron" absolutely hilarious? I mean were the scriptwriters aware of what they were writing at the time?
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