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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Just make sure that Tommy Yune becomes Head of FEMA so all americans feel just a little bit safer.
  2. Anyone up for episode 12 sometime this weekend?
  3. Agree with you. Star Wars is a fantastic movie set in space (or in this case a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ) but it's not really science fiction in the way of Blade Runner, Space Odissey or Alien. Marvellous movie and way different to a lot of different stuff mentioned so far on this thread.
  4. 2001; A Space Odyssey Why? 1. Made science fiction "serious" and no longer a b-movie genre. 2. Visually, its still as impressive as anything out there. 3. Asks the really big questions.
  5. Got a live version of "White Room" played by Cream. Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce and Eric Clapton. Talk about 3 musicians at the absolute top of their powers!
  6. Not an accident by any means. More like brave creative decisions in the face of serious financial difficulties. And EVA was going to be brilliant anyway. Even from the very first episode it was something special. It challenged the viewer and forced one to think through what was going on. Hence my reservations about seeing made Hollywood blockbuster style (We'll tell you everything from the get go and take away the WTF factor!)
  7. Bruce Dickinson piloting a Valkyrie seems strangely appropiate
  8. I've heard really good things about it but haven't come round to see it. Does one need to watch Harlock Saga or Captain Harlock the TV series first to be able to enjoy it?
  9. Finished watching Gurren Lagann. Its awesomeness it quite literally breathtaking so unless I wanna develop a severe post-Gurren depression I have to watch some more. Getting myself those Gurren Lagann movies you are talking about...
  10. I do not doubt that Weta can do something that's visually magnificent. But then again I question the necessity to make a live action version of something that worked perfectly well as an anime. And I agree with those who doubt that such a complex story can be stripped down for a 2 hour movie. I mean they'd really have to dumb it down....
  11. Why there could be a producer that would think that that movie requires a remake is beyond me!
  12. I am now a firm believer in the me, that believe in the you, that believes in Gurren Lagann. My gf is worried that I keep saying "Yoko...yoko" in my sleep... Mindblowing stuff!
  13. Could be a Michael Bay pinneaple salad with a Jerry Bruckheimer dressing?
  14. Lol! It seems that women all over the planet share certain priorities!
  15. Lol! Poor Claudia. The guilt she must be feeling.
  16. "Over the top" is actually insufficient to describe what I've seen so far from Gurren Lagann.
  17. Whilst reading Taksravens link to the Dune film story I came across this. I know its not strictly a remake but I think it fits in this thread. http://sffmedia.com/films/science-fiction-...ion-movie-.html THe Hyperion cantos is my favourite S&F saga of all. I don't think it will translate very well to film at all due to its length, breadth and complexity. The very fact that they're considering compressing it into just one movie just shows me that they're starting this one on the wrong note.
  18. Ive tried and so far it isnt going so well. The mrs. is hard to please! No to Haruhi (too slice of life for her taste),no to Ghost in the Shell (too complicated), no to Grave of the Fireflies (too sad). You can imagine why I'm currently watching Gurren Lagann alone... If you ever find the secret, please let us know....
  19. Never feel embarrassed (unless of course you say something like Robotech is better than Macross!). Do please share your impressions on Ladies vs. Butlers. It sounds like there's a whole new "butler" genre out there....
  20. Lol
  21. Plus there is something to be said about the feeling that at least a fraction of your money will eventually reach the people who make such entertaining things possible
  22. I'd definitely recommend Raxephon. Visually stunning with a complex story and a satisfying ending. I really couldn't have asked for more when I watched it.
  23. I had only gotten up to vol. 6, hence my dissapointment. However as we know nothing really "dissapears" once it hits the web so I'll just go somewhere else to read it. Didn't know about vol. 9 being incomplete. Anyone else out there know if it was a translation thing or was it left like that on purpose? According to wikipedia ther should be a vol. 10 coming out sometime, but then again wikipedia isn't always too accurate. Maybe Tanigawa just got the jitters and is at a loss on how to finish such a remarkably popular story!
  24. I did not know that Hikaru's VA had taken part in another Macross. Brilliant Makes one wonder how much one misses, specially the humour. That's why this thread is so enjoyable.
  25. Episode 11 anyone? I'm really bad at this writeups but I feel like getting this discussion started so here I go. I remember how much I loved this episode when I first watched M7 due to the fact that its probably one of the first times in the Macross timeline that events from the past series are shown quite so explicitly. And its also the first time since Macross II that one gets to see full size Zentraedi. The story is simple enough. Mylene and Basara are chosen to play Minmei and Hikaru for the "Lynn Minmei Story TV Special", a documentary that's meant to be a morale boosting exercise on behalf of the military and civilian government of Macross 7. Basara at one point refuses to play the role of Hikaru, but is forced to do so by Ray when the reserve Hikaru is "indisposed". While filming the Hikaru/Minmei Valkyrie joyride scene from DYRL, they encounter the aliens and a short yet fierce combat ensues. The central point of this episode in my opinion, is that it clearly establishes Basara as the successor of Minmei, which perhaps was not quite evident up to this point. From the moment that Mylene sees Basara's determined expression while he's watching a video of Minmei during the space war (taken from DYRL, to seeing him once again sing in the face of the enemy instead of fighting them; trying to win an enemy over by singing is once again at the forefront of the story. Another interesting detail, is that Max and Miria are trying hard to keep their separation a secret. Apparently they believe it would be bad for morale on board the Macross 7 convoy. It hadn't really dawned on me that morale was so low at this point in face of the repeated alien attacks as well as the vampire situation. Finally, we get another small piece of information regarding the enemy. The machines they have been using are the type sent to the 4th planet in the Varauta 3198 XE system. 2 questions What was the point of the whole Bobby interlude? He's not relevant at all for the story. I don't know if it was here in M7 that it first became clear that the DYRL character (and mecha) designs would be preferred over the SDFM ones for future Macross references?
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