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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Just checked IMDB and it seems that a live action Monster is not in the works any longer. Anyway, to remain on track with this thread I've just gotten Patlabor (the tv series) in the post so I'm having a little Patlabor marathon this weekend. Hope that it preserves the atmosphere and humour of the Patlabor OVA.
  2. Event Horizon is probably the scariest scifi this side of Alien. Sam Neill's character in that film scares the c**p out of me until this day. The film really plays well on the fact that the people on board the ship are the most isolated humans in the entire galaxy. No cavalry to help one out.
  3. I've just shown my brother the first five episodes of Haruhi Suzumiya and he's still interested. This is some praise, since my brother is one of those old dyed in the wool cynics that says that anime reached it's peak with Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop, and basically refuses to see any anime made in the 21st century. So this either speaks highly to the quality of HS or maybe he is just enthralled by the sight of Asahina-san in a maid outfit.
  4. Unlike many other anime or manga, Monster is one that absolutely could seamlessly transition into live action, provided it remained a series and it was taken up by a serious studio like HBO.
  5. Don't know if qualifies as SF but its definitely one of the funniest movies of all time. The bit about the combination number for one's luggage makes me laugh every time.
  6. Unfortunately its not yet been released as a box set in either Europe or America so you have to buy it in three parts (and they're not cheap!). Not that I'm complaining since the power that will drill through the heavens is well worth it. The european release has some nice art on the sleeves (Yoko...sigh...) plus audio and subtitles in french, german and of course english!
  7. Never seen the Monster anime, but the manga is one of the best there is. Absolutely gripping stuff.
  8. Thanks for the info. You would have though that after all those daughters Max would try to adopt a lost Zentraedi boy instead of a daughter!
  9. Why o why is an a**hole like Kaifun still alive in 2059?!
  10. I don't think Michael Bay's brain comprehends EVA. If he watched it he'd probably say that it lacks explosions and would probably cast Shia Lebouf (did I spell that correctly?) as Shinji. I don't think Gainax would allow it anyway.
  11. The Second Raid was great. Much better than the first season in my opinion although it lacked the laughs of "Fumoffu". It's a shame they didn't continue with the FMP franchise. It would have been nice to have some closure in the anime.
  12. Macross Plus has an absolutely awesome soundtrack. My personal favourite out of all the Macross soundtracks, although I think DYRL is really goo too. Macross II is a bit of a mixed effort if you ask, me, but there's a couple of good songs there. Try checking them out in You Tube before you buy anything on ebay.
  13. Like this one. Is it from "The False Diva"?
  14. That is the sweetest thing I've heard all day. Very aproppiate on Valentine's day. Any info on who was the lucky guy who married lovely Shammy?
  15. It is taking its time isn't it?? Keeping us waiting like this is just not very sporting...
  16. Is all of HULU locked for North America? Or just Macross? I'm interested because I've never heard the dub and I'm curious...
  17. And there's a zone 2 dvd boxset release next week. How convenient!
  18. Emmerich will probaly fit in some completely unrelated "let's destroy a large city footage" and have a scantily clad starlet impressing us with her acting skills.
  19. Seen Escaflowne (both series and movie) and while I admit its good, it doesn't really do anything for me. Definitely checking out Eureka Seven now. It's 2 seasons, right?
  20. It gets better as the series progresses. I agree it's not EVA level, but then again, there how many are. Never seen Eureka Seven so its hard for me to compare
  21. Is that being done in Japan or stateside?
  22. They really are totally out of fresh ideas. Please help them out!
  23. [quote name='electric indigo' date='Feb 10 2010, 10:27 PM' post='828938' As for sophisticated SF movies, I think that "Children of Men" is one of the few that I can recommend to adults. I think "Children of Men" will one day be thought of as one of the great S&F movies. At the very least its one of the best of the 21st century.
  24. Surely the lovely Ryoko Asakura is only an A+ in the "Taniguchi Female Hotness Scale" with only the incomparable Mikuru Asahina (future version) going into triple digit category? LOL Another great, great movie that I think deserves some consideration is the original Metropolis by Fritz Lang. Considering its from 1927, one can truly say that it was absolutely light years ahead of its time. Luckily for all S&F and cinema lovers, a new restored and repaired version of it will be available on dvd and blu ray sometime this year.
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