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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. I'm extremely biased on this one, but once LoGH get's a hold on you it will not let go for 110 episodes. In the sheer breadth and scope of its storyline, there's just no other anime like it out there. Enjoy!
  2. Hopefully not our future leaders, but rather participants in reality shows, or wannabe actors/models. Because if they are our future leaders I hope the access codes to the nukes are unavailable to them. Just imagine what they would be capable of if someone criticized Robert Pattinson's hair.
  3. I really enjoyed this one too. Not really surprising since it was directed by Danny Boyle of Trainspotting fame...
  4. That's also what I gather from reading the story on ANN. It might be a while before we get the rest. Does anyone know if this novel will be the finale to Haruhi Suzumiya or just another instalment?
  5. Splendid that someone picked the baton and reviewed episode 12 after s long silence... I'll catch up with the episode tomorrow after work.
  6. Really hoping that they come to Europe on tour this year. I've missed them once already and I'm hoping it doesn't happen again...
  7. Virtue rejoices in the challenge?
  8. Cool! How was the concert?!
  9. Just got my hands on the "Wolf's Rain" soundtrack... Yoko Kanno is a genius!
  10. If you can't use Amazon you can always go to ebay.co.uk where all 3 dvd sets are available. Just make sure to choose a seller that has a high rating (over 99%) to avoid any surprises.
  11. Kyon does seem to let the man upstairs make the decisions for him instead of the man downstairs. But at the the end of the day can't it just boil down to him not really being attracted to girls who are anything but "normal"? I mean as fascinating as the three ladies are, they all represent too much of a challenge if you wanted to date them. A deity, a time-traveller and an artificial life form are not exactly an easy proposition, specially for someone as demanding as Kyon.
  12. Appreciate the effort. Thanks. Big Wars doesn't really seem worth a big effort to see it.
  13. As I mentioned above I'm watching Patlabor the TV series and so far I'm enjoying it (a lot actually). I love its realistic treatment of mecha and technology in general. However the best is the characters, specially Captain Gotoh who is just the coolest commanding officer ever. At the end of the DVD I came upon a preview section and I saw a couple of trailers. There was one in particular called "Big Wars" which intrigued me. Anyone seen it?? I've read a couple of online reviews and they're a mixed bunch but I'd like to hear the scoop from some like minded individuals.
  14. Champloo rocks ( or raps is maybe a better term?) specially towards the end. I love how they just mesh everything up. I would love to see and argument between Kamina from Gurren Lagann and Mugen about who is more bad*ss. That's be a sight to see ( and hear).
  15. If Pete manages to convert a Polish copper to Haruhism I will put a picture of him in full SOS brigade outfit as my wallpaper!
  16. Why o why does there have to be a "prequel" or "reload" for any successful film franchise??? Alien is a classic movie that cannot be improved upon. I hope Ridley Scott changes his mind about working on a prequel to irand gives us some other original material
  17. LOL I'm sure the police officers are now commenting with their colleagues about "the weird guy with the red armband" they pulled over yesterday. On a more serious note, it's a bit depressing that the police can search one's car at will like that. I wonder what the Brigade leader would have to say about that?
  18. he...he... Wonder what Sheryl got an invoice from SMS for. Reckless use of SMS equipment? Abusing one of their top pilots?
  19. One of THE most memorable lines not only in sci-fi, but all of cinema. Period.
  20. Faith No More is epic live! Enjoy...
  21. I'd love to hear what the Polish police though of your explanations pertaining the above said material!
  22. She's covering an old song by a British band called The Vapors. Classic early 80s rock! Anyone know what the video was made for?
  23. Whoever did this video is a genius!! Funny as hell! I have not seen the 2nd season of Haruhi Suzumiya, but I have read the Endless Eight story so I more or less can guess what they've done in the anime. And I have to say, wow, what a bold and gutsy decision to animate that particular story...I'm looking even more forward to it now.
  24. Let's hope they're reading Macross World Forums then!
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