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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. It's pretty funny to see that Maximilian (the human) is the stiff, unsocial military type, whilst Milia is an absolute overachiever in the civilian world. It'd be intereting to see how much of her popularity is based precisely on her status as a pioneer in human-Zentran relations.
  2. You're right. The Core was intolerably bad. It's scientific premises were so ridiculous that they should just drop the "science" and just be plain "fiction"
  3. Loved the fact that you actually went through the trouble of including a picture of a Groombridge 1618. Nice touch But how dare you insinuate that Armageddon has terrible science? Everyone knows that Michael Bay's movies are very well researched and they would never mess up their science! Best bit about this chapter for me was definitely seeing Milia in her trusty old Valk again. The classic VF-1J is hard to beat for looks and Milia can still operate it like the best of them. On a more serious note. It's really interesting to look back and think about how much Milia has evolved, from being a Meltran ace with no social skills, and who depended on Max for everything, to now being responsible for the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people (what's the population of City by the way7?). She is truly the Zentran success story.
  4. LOL Damn it why didn't I think of that!!
  5. I know what you mean. Someone in the office asked today if I knew how to change the toner of our printer and my answer came in something that roughly equated to "Who the hell do you think I am? Of course I can!"
  6. Finally got to see the movies, and yes, they are everything that's been advertised . I really liked the epilogue too. And that final battle. Wow. Talk about over the top!
  7. Gainax's talent at finding ways to extract money from otakus is amazing. Parallel universe music videos?? Sheer genius!
  8. I've quiet come to enjoy your science segment actually, so welcome back. Yup, episode 13 this week. I hope I can watch it tomorrow...
  9. Nice pic Freiflug! Who would have thought that come 2059, Basara would be leading a sedate, anonymous middle aged life on board Frontier? And of course Flower Girl would find out about it... If only Ozma knew...
  10. Gorillaz' new album. Cool stuff
  11. just finished watching Patlabor the tv series. I have to admit that as much as I love all things Patlabor, the tv series does run out of steam at the end. The story seems to lack a bit of closure. Of course its only at the end that I find out that there's a continuation to it, the so called "Patlabor; The New Files". Anyone seen it? I've become a bit reluctant to read reviews nowadays because they are so full of spoilers. Just want to know if its of the same calibre as the series or OVA.
  12. At least they captured Guld emotional state quite well!
  13. What are these? Are they vhs covers or printed material?
  14. Normally I'm a bit wary of movie versions of anime series (Escaflowne or Raxephon anyone?) , but with the good feedback these films are getting, I'll definitely a go at them. Downloading as I type.
  15. Not at all. The music that came later was much better. It must have been quite sudden and unexpected for the bands involved though. One day you're top of the world, filling stadiums and spending millions on booze and hairspray and just a year later no one cares about you.
  16. Maybe a leftover cel from Macross Plus??
  17. Queensryche had this great song I really used to like back in high school called "Silent Lucidity". Some of the last so called "power ballads" before grunge and indie swept it all away...
  18. Which means she'll probably stay single the rest of her life!
  19. How dare you diss Sean Young?? Her stellar performance in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective made that movie a deep and meaningful experience!
  20. Now that's a woman you can really respect on a whole other level. "Honey, if you are not able to kick my a** in a fight, I'm gonna leave you and become a drummer for the galaxy's biggest rock band"
  21. Maybe she was like Kwai Cahng Caine in Kung Fu, forced to walk the world and kicking a** along the way?
  22. I don't know if someone already mentioned it (so I apologize if I repeat myself) but War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave is so unbelievably bad that anything I say about it is not enough. Seeing is believing.
  23. Am I the only one that is a bit upset at Gainax's blatant "let's see how many versions we can release of each movie to suck more money out of the otaku" strategy?
  24. Basara's Valk must be the single most powerful unit in all of Macross history. I mean is there anything it can't do?!! Had totally forgotten about the Pin-point barrier punch Basara style. Kresphy mentioned above the similiarities between Mylene and Sheryl. I finally got to watching episode 12, and couldn't help but thinking that the scene were Mylene "connects" with Gubaba and the rest of Fire Bomber by singing, was an inspiration for the scene in Frontier were Sheryl sings to lift the spirits of the people in the bomb shelter. If anyone is watching the old dvd version, they will have maybe seen the 7 Plus section at the end were Veffidas' earlier life is explained. I had completely forgotten that Veffidas used to
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