Loved the fact that you actually went through the trouble of including a picture of a Groombridge 1618. Nice touch But how dare you insinuate that Armageddon has terrible science? Everyone knows that Michael Bay's movies are very well researched and they would never mess up their science!
Best bit about this chapter for me was definitely seeing Milia in her trusty old Valk again. The classic VF-1J is hard to beat for looks and Milia can still operate it like the best of them.
On a more serious note. It's really interesting to look back and think about how much Milia has evolved, from being a Meltran ace with no social skills, and who depended on Max for everything, to now being responsible for the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people (what's the population of City by the way7?). She is truly the Zentran success story.