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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. My eyes! My hearing! Freiflug what have you done?
  2. Finally watching it, and as a Macross fan I am absolutely delighted at the Kakizaki/Itano circus reference! Wonderful stuff!
  3. I'm sure the defense industries of more than one country are working hard on making more than one nanometre invisible!
  4. Doesn't seem likely at this point. 2nd Raid came out in 2005 and there hasn't even been a hint of more sequels. For closure one will have to go to the novels, and as far as I know, the story is still ongoing with the final novel coming out this year.
  5. Back on topic, I just finished watching Wolf's Rain and found a lot to enjoy. Great character designs, wonderful music by Yoko Kanno, a compelling storyline and absolutely no unnecessary moe or fanservice elements.
  6. Fun chapter but, Yeah, kind of a strange one too Everyone is trying to act normally despite the fact that City 7 is cut off from the rest of the fleet and floating around God knows where. This is probably the first chapter were we get to hear about Dr. Chiba's theories on music and its effects. We also get to witness that he's the biggest Minmay otaku in the galaxy. Milia is still one tough dame. Gets shot in the leg and brushes it off like nothing. Do all Zentran have that high pain threshold or is it just years of military discipline? Its nice to see that the Polaroid camera is alive and well on City 7.
  7. The Patlabor tv series is 47 chapters spread out on 11 dvd's. It does not include the Patlabor; The New Files which is another 16 chapters.
  8. Just downloaded the new Massive Attack album. Need some hypnotic beats to keep me focused.
  9. Another week has passed and now maybe its time for episode 14 anyone?
  10. Looks a tad more promising that the AVP garbage. Still, its Robert Rodriguez so I won't get my hopes up.
  11. Come on! Where's the love for Reba Wests' stunning rendition of "My Time to be a Star"??
  12. Wow...that is one pretty incredible "tribute" to Macross in general and Macross 7 in particular... Do you have more info on it (who made it and so on)??
  13. That must be the worst one in the entire album! Although on second thought, Try Again comes perilously close. Seriously now, Uxi, as someone who purchased the album in a moment of madness, I'd strongly suggest that you listen to the tracks on you tube before embarking on any expensive ventures.
  14. Maybe Slash would be worth it. But Steven friggin Adler?? Its plain embarrassing that he even has that stuff on this website...
  15. And I really don't like those so I'll just have to be patient and wait. Thanks for the info.
  16. The thought had not crossed my mind until I saw this pic. Gendo and Kamina must the be the two most antipodean characters one could think of...
  17. I own English Fire and yeah, its really not the same. Sometimes it sounds plain weird hearing the songs in english. The singers lack the passion and attachment to the songs that Yoshiki Fukuyama provided. It's not the worst dubbing job I've seen though.
  18. Been looking for it for a while now, but all I get are dead ends and links that don't work. Let us know if you get any luckier...
  19. Was thinking about getting the 1.11 blu ray shipped from the US, but have just found out that the European 1.11 will be released simultaneously on DVD and blu-ray april 26th. Really looking forward to it! Have not watched 2.0 yet because I'm holding out for it to be screened in one of the many spring film festivals this year. Otherwise I'll just have to wait patiently till its released with a sub (sigh...).
  20. With the finest music manager in the galaxy it has to be said
  21. You sir, have told me all I needed to know! Gotoh is one of my favourite anime character (make that favourite characters period) and his little crush on Shnobu Nagumo one of my favourite plot devices in the Patlabor series. I'm getting this OVA ASAP.
  22. If the person who posted in animesuki is right, and they are making changes for the DVD/blu ray release of the movie, then a release date might be a bit further ahead in the future than was expected.... Sigh....
  23. Maybe Max is left to sight about her stunts, but then again I think that Milia is right about questioning Max's handling of the constant alien attacks. I mean he hasn't been exactly proactive in finding out who they are and what their intentions may be. Or at least try some new tactic or evasive measure that will put the conveoy out of harms way. I can't help but feeling that had their roles been reversed, Milia would have been a lot more energetic in her handling of the alien attacks. I cannot blame her when she gets upset and asks Max what the hell he's doing to prevent this series of events.
  24. Unlike the Oscars, now I can say, fully deserving all of them. Although maybe Ben Affleck could have been given a co-award for his entire body of work.
  25. Begun watching Wolf's Rain. Not the most impressive first episode I've seen, but I hear it gets a lot better as it progresses.
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