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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. You're cruel Freiflug88! But yeah, I've seen it happen with guys who are just too nice for their own good. In Physica's case, I'd like to think that his wife abandoning him has more to do with the fact that his job requires him to be absent from his family for long periods of time.
  2. Now that's what I call a proper limited edition.
  3. According to ANN, Aniplex of America will release the Gurren Lagann movie dvd's in july for the north american market! Now that's a fast release. Unfortunately Bandai Entertainment's website will only ship within that market.... Oh well. Some sacrifices will have to be made.
  4. Yup, read about it too. But as far as I understand it's been licensed for cinema release with no mention of a blu ray release, right?
  5. Wholeheartedly agree!!
  6. Finally got Planetes in the mail so I should be able to start watching it sometime soon.
  7. I agree! Photoshoppers of the world unite and do Emilia
  8. It's interesting to see how different people saw the Gamlin/Physica's family scene in different ways. It would have never occurred to me that it was a dream. it'll be worth looking at Gamlin in the next couple of episodes to see if this sad turn of events makes a lasting impression in him.
  9. Had a small break this afternoon and managed to watch episode 17 which is aptly titled "Pretty Devil"... Nice episode this one. It's the first appearance of the "homeworld" of the aliens (which at this point still don't have a name) so they remain as mysterious as ever. We get to see however that they're much more powerful than has been hinted at before. Gigil out of his own volition wakes up Sivil, who is a formidable new opponent for the M7 convoy. What was interesting for me, was that Gepelnitch does not reprimand Gigil for having woken Sivil from her slumber. Instead he tell's him that "these colours that do not go with the pictures I paint. Find them". It's a somewhat cryptic message. I wonder if any of the japanese speakers out there can perhaps tell us if its been translated properly, or there is perhaps a nuance that was lost in the translation?? In any case Gigil seems just as baffled by Gepelnitch's message. Battle 7 finally manages to contact City 7 and sends Diamond Force and a squadron to protect them. This force however is easily defeated by Sivil who's is a whole lot more powerful than any alien we've seen to this point. She destroys the Momoi and puts Lt. Kinryuu out of commission as well as injuring Gamlin in the process. She meets her match in Basara though, feeling positively unwell when confronted with the purity of his spiritia and has to escape. I remember that the first time I watched this episode I was a bit confused, since it was the first time I felt I was watching something in Macross that was entirely supernatural. Later though, I came to accept this and actually enjoyed Basara's and Sivil's back and forth This encounter is televised, and propels Basara to fame. Of course he deals with reporters in the way you'd expect him to. Chapter closes with the sad, sad scene of an injured Gamlin trying to give the music box to Physica's family and inform them of his death, only to find out that they've "moved on" to another man/father. It's a scene that somehow contrasts with the general lightheartedness of the show in my view and gives the series a bit more serious tone In the music side, am I right in asuming that this is the first time that we hear Remember 16?
  10. I think Serenity is a bit overrated too. I think it has some neat ideas and a really good story but it get's way too much positive feedback for what it is. And you're right about the terrible acting skills of Nathan Fillion who plays the captain.
  11. Thanks! I really know little of the world of computer/console games... A Brit in the Macross universe. That must be the first one I hear of.
  12. Great pics Nexx. Love 'em. Who's the blonde girl in the 2nd to last pic? I couldn't really identify her.
  13. He, he...Love it. My Madman version of Macross has the Animeigo commentary and subtitles so I just heard the commentary/interview you mentioned. A lot of interesting stuff. But who would have thought that Global would be such a "ladies man"? Maybe it was just a reflection of mr. Ishiguro's own desires and aspirations?
  14. Funny movie that one yet with a serious message! Pretty much anything John Carpenter did in the 70's and 80's is underrated in my book.
  15. Finished watching Martian Succesor Nadesico. Has a lot of really funny moments, a couple of memorable characters and some good ideas, but is ultimately a bit of a letdown if I consider how many good things I'd read about this series. Specially the ending feels really rushed and fails to address many of the series subplots. I know that there's a movie sequel, but apparently it doesn't seem to improve upon the series. Anyone care to comment?
  16. Hi to all in this thread. I'm just starting to collect cels. I've got a couple of GTO cels and and a M7 cel which is a nice take of Mylene. I have acquired all of these from an american seller on E-Bay. Unfortunately there is a limited selection of Macross items available (specially SDFM) and I've researched further and ended up in Japan's Yahoo auctions where one can really find a wider selection of items. Unfortunately a lot of these sellers seem to ship only within Japan (or at least that's what Google Translate indicates). Can anyone recommend any other trustworthy sites were one could bid/purchase cels that have worldwide shipping? I would also appreciate any advice you might have on what is a reasonable price for SDFM cels. Thanks.
  17. just imagining Exsedol doing a little fist pump like that is hilarious. I mean, it's so out of character that it'd be too good to be true if it happened.
  18. Sounds pretty lame to me. Is it an 80s special?
  19. Seems the most likely explanation to me.
  20. Watched the first hour of a terrible film yesterday called The Astronauts Wife. Awful.
  21. Mmmh, o.k back to the thread I'd say that John Carpenter's The Thing is pretty underrated. It's maybe a bit more horror than sci-fi but it's still pretty good...
  22. About halfway through Martian Succesor Nadesico. It's extremely silly and the plot just keeps jumping around all over the place, changing the setting from one episode to another without any explanation. Having said that, it does have some very funny moments and has countless anime references, including several to Macross.
  23. Welcome to Haruhism...he..he... I don't think it'll be possible to find a watchable version of "Dissapearance" until the dvd comes out in Japan. Let's hope that it comes out with subtitles in english like the 2nd season did.
  24. Before ever watching M7 I would have never thought that a girl spending a weekend in a log cabin with two Pink Pecker's would have had her heart broken!
  25. Love chapter 16 too. The first transformation of a Macross in the series mixed with the band playing for the prisoner is just really well made. I like how they cut from to Fire Bomber's music bringing the prisoner back to conciousness. I just think that it's a chapter that's really well written. And the whole Physica episode just seems to give the series a tad more earnestness than it had before. If any of you is watching the older CA version, you'll get the encore bit with Ray and Akiko's back story. It's pretty poignant stuff as well.
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