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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Some serious classic equipment you have there and nice effort with the transition to VHS! However (and since you seem to have multisystem equipment), there's a pretty good DYRL VHS that was released in the UK by Kiseki. Not to be confused by the horrible Clash of the Bionoids. The subtitles are way better than on my HK DVD. This VHS can still be found every now and again on ebay for a bargain price.
  2. No good live then? Dissapointing
  3. And western production companies then ask themselves why o why so many people go and download stuff... The EVA franchise can get away with these long waits for releasing their stuff on dvd and blu ray, but i can imagine that for other products it must be a killer.
  4. Listening to Kasabian's latest album. Not bad at all.
  5. yeah, I remember now. So Haruhi is officialy a Fire Bomber (or at least Basara fan)!
  6. One can definitely see were Sheryl got her good looks from:) Does the article give any more info about Sally Nome and her potential run ins with Grace??
  7. I can totally picture Haruhi shouting BOMBA
  8. Now this is just bordering on the unhealthy! And did u du the sketch of Fire Bomber rocking with Yuki and Haruhi??
  9. Absolutely awesome pics Skull Leader. My Macross desktop collection grows massively thanks to your efforts. Vepariga: Sheryl and Alto in kimonos. Kawaii!!
  10. Have a pic of one of those but the resolution is not very good so it's be awesome if you could post these...
  11. That's one impressive little collection SkullLeader put up there... We're just missing some Macross Plus and Zero stuff!
  12. Somehow they all fit their EVA characters really well. Yuki would cosplay Rei like no one else!
  13. Yeah, just realized that there was a Evangelion 2.0 thread. Pre-ordered the Hong Kong DVD with english subs! Can't wait.
  14. Personally I think that Macross DYRL still looks as pretty as anything out there.
  15. Great. Just pre-ordered the DVD version since my Blu Ray is unfortunately not multi-system. That way I can patiently await the extra year or so that it'll take for Funimation to finally release a Blu Ray version.
  16. It's been licensed?? That's unusual. I didn't think it was popular enough to merit a release outside Japan. What you heard is a pretty good definition of the series. Basically you get the feeling that the producers wanted to recreate the success of LOtGH by following the same model but with up to date animation and character art. But the characters are not quite as compelling in my view. having said that I still think that If you liked LOtGH you'll probably like Tytania.
  17. Man, after watching FLCL I can't decide if it's genius or just madness. Unique madness. Hell of a ride though...Can't say that I didn't enjoy it and I really have to see it again... Great music and the animation is top notch. I can really see the visual influence this had on Gunbuster 2 and Gurren Lagann (probably many of the same guys).
  18. Splendid news. Thanks a lot for the tip. Just a question: how are the subs in Honk Kong releases (the legal kind!)??
  19. I like the Ishtar pic. I've said before: there simply isn't enough Ishtar art in this world! The Frontier/Evangelion crossover is LOL funny. I think everyone would have assumed that Sheryl would cosplay Asuka and Alto would do Shinji. Seeing Alto in Asuka's plugsuit is priceless. And Grace does a perfect Ritsuko.
  20. "I invented the piano key neck tie! I invented it! What have you done, Derek? Nothing! You've done Nothing!"
  21. Well, that would explain the rather long wait for the DVD release. I'm glad to see that it's doing well in Japan.
  22. I like the 3rd pic of Misa & Hikaru. Did it yourself?
  23. Caught the first 2 episodes of FLCL. Have not made my mind up yet on what I think of it.
  24. Maybe we should try to pull off a double whammy, episodes 21 and 22 this weekend? And I don't think a 'in depth' review is necessary (God knows mine suck). Just random thoughts on the chapter one has just seen suffice to start a discussion.
  25. Maybe they won't release a dvd until the movie is not playing in any theatres:lol:
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