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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. Awesome! Finally we have a date!! Might get it even if it doesn't have subs to "support" the cause.
  2. That sounds like one heck of party to me! Sad to say that the limit of my nerdiness was to put a Macross sticker on my bike. Bit lame really!
  3. Can't say it appeals to me. Seems a little bit contentless.
  4. Finished Gantz and I have to say you're absolutely right about the animation. The art and the animation towards the end are much poorer (having said that, the quality towards the beginning is some of the best I've seen). I also did not really like the ending
  5. Macross in BD quality with english subs?? I'd sell my car to finance that if need be!
  6. And one of the best movies ever. Period. I might have seen it 20 times, and yet the final flashback and duel scene still gives me goosebumps when I see it. And yeah, Frank is one mean bad guy.
  7. Haven't gotten there yet, but I can imagine that towards the end, the anime must deviate quite a bit from the manga, specially considering that 10 years later, the manga is still ongoing and with no end in sight.
  8. Started watching Gantz. I'm surprised the anime sticks so much to the manga so far. Would have expected them to tone it down a little to reach a broader audience but the "ultraviolence" is there in all its gore so far. By the way, does anyone if an OST was ever released for Gantz?? Some of the music really rocks.
  9. I cannot fail to add a bit of trivia that once came my way. Katzumi Suzuki who plays Kakizaki in SDFM and DYRL is actually also the voice of one of the SEELE guys in Evangelion. Talk about different characters types!
  10. LOL pic 3. Michel must have had a fun childhood playing with Klan like that.
  11. Watched a couple of episodes of K-ON during my holiday and had to leave to it. Too much moe for my taste.
  12. Maybe Mr. Bilra has bought Basara's legendary Valk as a part of his collection?
  13. Thanks for the link! They have bucketloads of stuff!
  14. Does anyone know what Hideaki Anno's state of mind is nowadays?? Seriously now (and after cooling down from having my mind blown), there is so much potential in the story as they have done this time around, that I don't mind if they take time in the making and release of them. Just get it right!
  15. Finally watched Evangelion 2.22. I have to confess that I was prepared to be a bit underwhelmed, considering all the hype surrounding the film and the lurking feeling that nothing could ever live up to the series. Boy was I wrong!! What an epic. The visuals, the music, the action, all the new scenes ...Everything was magnificent. I'm still in anime heave so I can't comment on specifics, but I'm sure I'll get to those soon. And many, many thanks to whoever it was who posted that there'd be a HK release with subtitles. Experiences like the one I've today, just reinforce my conviction that waiting to watch things in a proper format i well worth it. The incredible first impression I got from 2.22 wouldn't have been the same had I watched a camrip version of it.
  16. Finally watched Evangelion 2.22 and can only say: Suuugggooiiiiii!! But since the film has it's own thread, I'll post my thoughts over there.
  17. I'm hoping they'll come around to that too. I think Haruhi Suzumiya is been popular enough in the West to merit such a release. The japanese blu rays are just a bit too highly priced for my budget. I actually enquired from my supplier how much it would cost me to get Legend of Galactic Heroes on blu ray, and granted it is 110 episodes, but $2800 for the 4 boxes is juuuuussst a tad much.
  18. Can't see my dear Misa wearing that though!!
  19. GITS SAC is one of the best series of the last 10 years. It's a real shame that it seems that no further installments are planned after Solid State Society.
  20. LOGH Gaiden "The Retriever" has just been subbed and is on my playlist. oh and of course Evangelion 2.22 is also waiting for me!
  21. Michel is so going to jail now! Seriously though, this must be an "official" picture. The drawing is just spot on!
  22. Went on a total Gankutsuo marathon and finished it like 20 minutes ago. Best adaptation of the Count of Montecristo I've seen. Top quality production all round. Gonzo really went all out on this one.
  23. Just brings an enormous smile to my face everytime I see this pic. Poor Gamlin!
  24. FINNALLLYY!. Just got a message from the post office saying that there's a package from Hong Kong that I can pick up on monday. Not only will I finally be able to see Evangelion 2.22, but I'll also be able to re-read this thread AND FINALLY read the spoilers... My self restraint has been nothing short of exemplary:D
  25. Continuing with Gankutsuou and it is absolutely incredible. For those of you who are suffering of "moe" overload and would like to see an anime with great visuals and kickass story. I can totally recommend it.
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