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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. The last 4,5 episodes of Darling in the FranXX have been plenty interesting, but damnit if the fandom for that show isn't toxic. Any forum discussion on those chapters anywhere you go ends up in name calling and tears. Almost reminds me of Robotech
  2. Just like we've said before, nothing is sacred anymore.
  3. I cannot remember a season like this one. There is literally something for every taste and a lot of it is very good. Space opera- LOGH Die Neue These Mecha (and a continuation of an oldie but goodie) Full Metal Panic 3 Dystopian sci fi- Steins Gate 0 Big shounen action or game visual novel adaptations- My Hero Academia 3, SAO Gun Gale Online, Persona 5 Ecchi- Shokugeki no Soma, HighSchool DxD Hero and Cutie Honey Universe . Sports/sci fi anime with old school look and feel- Megalobox Samurai Western set in the snow of Hokkaido- Golden Kamuy (shame about the modest production values because the manga is awesome). I almost dont have the time to watch all this. Will have to prioritize.
  4. Where's that? Mexico?
  5. Legend of the Galactic Heroes Die Neue These just out. While not as good as the original OVA adaptaion of the novels, it wasn't too shabby. Will take a while to get used to the voices and character designs.
  6. I'm surprised you got this. Have you tried deleting cookies? As far as I can tell the actual webshop is accessible overseas (I'm in Denmark btw) and I was able to order via a forwarder (I have been billed so its worked even with foreign credit card).
  7. I've never ordered anything from them directly, it's always been via Rightstuf or Amazon so I don't know. Now that I've cooled down and done the math, the price is not that extortionate. All 110 episodes, the 52 Gaiden episodes and the 3 films. That's 5.5 minutes per dollar which is less than if you bought lets say Akame ga Kill or No Game No Life boxsets. So it's actually conmessurate. It's just all in one go...it's like 2/3 of what I pay on my mortgage a month. So it feels pretty violent. But if i can work myself around how to get it shipped outside the US, I'll probably order it. I looove LOGH and it's one of only 4 shows I'd do this crazy stuff for.
  8. I tried to pre-order, but of course it's USA only. Sigh... Dare I wait and see if there's a UK or an Australian release?
  9. So they are finally releasing this. And they’re taking no prisoners. I’m a massive fan of LoGH but 800 bucks, even for a premium release like this one is a bit steep. Holy cow! https://shop.sentaifilmworks.com/collections/pre-order/products/legend-of-the-galactic-heroes-premium-box-set
  10. Could be, but I just don’t think there’s a big market for Macross manga adaptations in this day and age.
  11. well, Macross the First wasn't really selling well, and nothing drives up interest like fan servisu, so I'm not surprised.
  12. We should see Merkatz early on in the series and he should be looking like a proper soldier gent.
  13. Next season is jsut around the corner and is looking pretty decent. The new Legend of the Galactic Heroes series is the highlight though. Will this new adaptation come even close to the masterpiece that Artland and Noboru Ishiguro made? Let's wait and see.
  14. Hearing the Fire Bomber American record you can see how horribly wrong it can go. You have to be absolutely hammered to enjoy that
  15. I don't think anymore than in the West. Having said that, there does seem to be quite a bit of music in anime where they use French composers like Satie or Debussy.
  16. Grancrest Senki got really dark the last couple of episodes. But the show is the better for it. And Darling in the Franxx keeps on getting weirder, but i'm still digging it.
  17. This is complete and total speculation with any kind of documentation to back it up so bear with me. Any chance that the entire focus on Walkure is part of a greater plan to 'move on' from the Macross name and related nomenclature in order to be able to finally being released internationally. I mean if you called the thing Walkure Delta and didn't say the word "Macross" during the show, HG wouldn't be able to a damn thing about it, right?
  18. Anyone watching Grancrest Senki? Things really took a dark turn in yesterdays chapter. And Darling in the Franxx really is retreading some Evangelion territory. The dividing line between the girls and boys was straight out of Asuka/Shinji's relationship.
  19. Nothing Robotech has done since the Reagan presidency is a true success anyway. Not surprised
  20. Interesting that Mikimoto is back at working with this. I wonder what changed? It's not like it was a commercial success back in the day.
  21. Isn't she the reviewer the same guest who was with you in the podcast? The review makes many of the same points. Good podcast guys (a tad long though!!).
  22. I'm not too confident that this will be any good. Satelight hasn't done anything remotely top notch in years. Is there a quality screenwriter attached to this project? Will the characters have more that paper thin characterizations? A congruent plot? I'll check it out, but won't hold my breath.
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