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Everything posted by Lupricas

  1. both my stick and ray have cracks, yellow have stress mark out of the box and i have 2 of them too, yikes
  2. It's Here in Taiwan already.. Very tempting to get one and it's freakin HUGE!!!!
  3. FUTURE floor wax....
  4. No offense, but Yeah I hate that Ronaldo guy as well. Hope France beat the crap out of them.
  5. http://www.pim-bvi.com found something, but only in Taiwan
  6. Hmmm, maybe this is not the first time somebody brought this up, but any chance of getting this series being officially released in the US?? I've seen a few episode of the fansub, and I like it I like it I like it.... pretty funny stuff..
  7. http://rock103.thedataco.com/video/rock103...3fg/robocar.wmv check this out. You know you want one
  8. I don't know about the HK version, but the one I have is the TW version, the OVA was included with the original series, and it's just basically does like what MAcross Flash Back thingy, little talking and major singing, but it's cool tho. Subtitle wise, i'll give mine 8 out of ten cause they got the name all messed up! yellow become hwan, Rey become Ray, Hoquet become Fonjay, Aisha become Elsa, Sorgi become surgi and Stick become sting... for crying out loud, but other than that, the translation was dead on, they even got the Op nad Ed song subbed, they included with all the goodies from the original, line arts, box arts and stuff, worth pick it up.
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