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Re-issue Liu

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About Re-issue Liu

  • Birthday 12/01/1969

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Captain, my topic seems birght a business or work to you How about 1/12 Scale for variable armor bike?
  2. Thank you very much, Phyrox. What a great information for me, Thanks a lot!!! It is a great and fine part from original EAGER, I believe the recast part will be great, too. I will PM you if the recast finished.
  3. Thank you Carl, These color pattens are very helpful for me, when the recast EAGER are arrive, I will PM you, Thanks a lot!!
  4. Thank you Fred, if the EAGER recast are finished, I wiil PM you.
  5. Hey, guys: For Aoshima begin to re-prodces old IMAI models for Mospeada(Robotech ?). I was found out my old stock for Mospeada enemy EAGER origuinal by Retppu in last month. This kit are 1/48 scale, and it can choose made normal type EAGER or cannon type EAGER, look like attached photos. I am find one guys can recast the EAGER for me because I want to made normal type and cannon type both. even for Booster type by scratch. But I do not have any official lineart or designworks for EAGERs in my hands, except Hobby Japan 2007/6 issue. So, I need some help for make for those EAGERs (normal type, cannon type, Booster type) If any guys are interest for the EAGER w/cannon, it will be $20 for each set, and ship via registed arimail to US for $7.8, addition one set will more $1 for ship cost. Any guys give me help or pictures, just $15 for each set and ship cost only $7.8 for any set(even 20 sets, just $7,. The recast work will compelete in middle or late May. My needs are show below: (1)any official EAGERs(normal, cannon, booster) lineart or designworks, if can give me 4 side view draft(top, front, back and side view) will be great! you can post pictures into your reply and please picture size must large then 400x400 pixels. (2)Officail Color pattern for EAGERs, clearly picture will be great, of cause the size needs large then 200x200 pixels. ====>===> thanks for Carl(WWWMWWW) and Phyrox, your pictures and lineart will very helpful for me (3)What is the name for EAGER's in Robotech series? All we know the "EAGER" is the name in Japaness Mospeada, I need to know what name is the EAGER in Robotech series. ===> thanks for Fred Scuttle, The EAGER are named "Invid Scout " in Robotech. Any guy provide for any picture or information, I will list on this page that if his contributions are accepted. Of cause if any guys want to buy EAGER, I will list on this page, too. Thank you for you guys.
  6. Did you put the 1/48 VF-1 on eBay auction? jorawar_b == jorawar ? How about your 1/100 VA-3 auction?
  7. A Great work!! I will get one, please!!!
  8. A.I. core's eye, remember the Sharon's electrinic eyes?
  9. the A.I. core pic-1 (Sharon apple?)
  10. Non-human fighter pic-2 Ghost X-9?
  11. Non-human fighter pic-1 Ghost X-9?
  12. Three ACE pilot. ISAMU ? Miu ? Golt?
  13. Hey Guys: I found a new movie will play in july called "Stealth" from Sony picture. This is this movie official web site. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/stealth/ It all ideas and images almost copy from MACROSS plus, it story are: A testing A.I. non-human fighter(Ghost X-9?) are send to U.S. Navy, for training this A.I. program learn how to fight, and three US.Navy ACE pilot are take this mission, a white man(ISAMU?), white woman(Miu?), and black man(Golt?). And this A.I. program are very like been the white pilot's wingman(Does not like sharon apple?). At middle of this training mission, the A.I. program are lot control, in last, the training team get an order to destroy this non-human fighter. You guys can see those picture to see. First pic are the U.S.Navy new fighter, the shape like YF-19
  14. Hi Jessee: Please add me for everyone, Thank you
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