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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. NC Fletcher Target is playing by the rules of the advertised street date of 8/14. Maybe I'll try SC and see whats up.
  2. Same, or maybe well get lucky and there will be variants available everywhere, ie: Barroness without the tacky looking motor scooter.
  3. Meanwhile the gouging has begun- $160 for Barroness on a bike. $69 for a Trooper. https://www.ebay.com/itm/164311096556 https://www.ebay.com/itm/293658603292
  4. Kinda turned off with the seemingly unattainable Target exclusives. Seriously? 2-3 crucial characters as store exclusives? Maybe in 2004; not a great idea in my honest opinion.
  5. Same! Just wrapped it up yesterday. What a messed up situation!
  6. Both; top and front: Check the CM Tread/ Tlead on Anymoon.com, they were able to incorporate it into their toy. The Toynami/ Aoshima didn't have this option.
  7. Armo Soldier mode. From eps. 1.
  8. Theyre blatant Robotech fans. I prodded them to acknowledge Shinji Aramaki and Usagi with citing it as a MOSPEADA achievement and not Robotech and they copped an attitude. Its their show; its whatever.
  9. Im more worried about your own self care; casually strolling around nukes like that.
  10. Gung Ho and the Red Ninja look great. Pass on Pimping Destro. Would have preferred Iron Grenadiers Destro.
  11. Has anyone tried to connect it with an Aoshima Tread?
  12. I dont think this is feasible.
  13. Father's Day Guyver marathon with my daughter,
  14. https://gijoe.hasbro.com/en-us The classified line on the Cobra side seems very robust- all the characters I personally wanted. I'm disappointed on the Joe's side.
  15. I had a POC, 25th, 30th, 50th, and retaliation collection; and i was doing great until I supplemented a Mattel Batman Begins Tumbler against a Cobra Fury. The Tumbler was so much more beefier and capable. The Fury was like a pancake. To think i was planning on 2 Tumblers and a RHINO to go against the Fury and 3 HISS TANKS from POC. No way! The vehicle contrast also made me reevaluate the 3.75in figures. Yes theyre all accessorized, but I could lose parts or break these things at any time. And without Kaiser stands, they'll never pose on their own dynamically. Cheers to 3.75" Joe, but make mines 6".
  16. I'm liking CC for what it portrays; a figurehead. Itd be cool to have a battle armor variant. Now we need Storm Shadow and Firefly to challenge these Joes!
  17. Cool. I was going to check out the Maurarder Inc set fo 6" weapons; https://www.marauderinc.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=12-800029&CartID=3
  18. This one? https://www.target.com/p/hasbro-marvel-legends-series-black-widow-deadly-origin/-/A-78137438
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