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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. https://www.change.org/p/city-of-anderson-petition-to-replace-the-confederate-monument-in-anderson-with-a-chadwick-boseman-memorial
  2. :/ Its ok to grow and develop. Im 42 and I dont feel at all out of touch with my 19 year old or my 29 year old stepchild. We all learn from each other. Share experiences and develop understanding. I saw that their greatness is not solely onto them but in collaboration/ via their offspring ala Anakin to Luke.
  3. Thank you for sharing your awesome gift! Rest in Power; Chadwick Boseman!
  4. Completely agree. I so wished they did season 2 instead of Roar. Such a waste.
  5. I was really hoping it was Hush using Riddler ploys. In that regard im disappointed. But everything else seems great.
  6. The Rock better NOT MAKE BLACK ADAM A HERO. Keep him evil!
  7. The Thundercats are now on HULU:
  8. More like an easier decade for us to reference (those in the late 30s to early 50s crowd). Asimov, Lovecraft, Heinlein, Verne, Wells, etc had some of their greatest works done from the 20s to the 60s. So why not show us how: in-part, the world was at that time and give us great scifi to boot?
  9. I loved Westworld.
  10. I rented the Tax Collector this weekend and realized after; that I should have bought it. Great David Ayer film.
  11. It hit off similarly to Watchmen's first ep with some historical context, but then took a very scifi turn. It kept pace with survival horror, sci-fi and drama. I could not take my eyes off of Jurnee Smollett-Bell; she stole it. Jonathan Majors as the dork who became hot and dynamic really kept the pace going and was engaging.
  12. I'm speaking in the context of "Prime Video/ streaming" and the quality of content. The delivery side; ive used seldomly as of the last two months. Its easier and less expensive to buy what I need directly in a store lately. This is my opinion only.
  13. Prime is a BS waste of money (IMHO) in comparison to HBO MAX. Except for Good Omens, The Boys and 4 movies. Lovecraft has been an amazing start.
  14. Gave it another go this morning: 3 Targets; no dice. Did see Roadblock and considered a head variant, but not worth the checkout line. Still not happy.
  15. Definitely watching this.
  16. So I hit up Target 1st thing this morning and nothing was on the shells and nothing was in stock despite the "street date." I'm just gonna cancel my Amazon orders of Cobra Commander and the red ninjas with storm shadow and sell the rest I have. There's no way the world I'm going through this mess. I'll be selling; Duke, Scarlett, Roadblock, Destro, Cobra Trooper, an Articulated Icons grey ninja and a slew of custom weapons. All figs with boxes and accessories for $140 shipped.
  17. I can just imagine how HASBLO (yes im bringing that back) will ruin the Alley Viper distribution. Let's try an experiment: Even before I submit; my offer is not good enough. I put it up to $50 each- surmising the scalpers value on the item. That amount didn't automatically populate an "increase your offer message."
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