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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. 👍
  2. Don't recall this being reported; https://robotech.com/store/product/meptoys-1-48-scale-invid-scout-preorder They either used the wrong link or pic.
  3. Gotcha Frontier, 7 and Macross II via Amazon. I'm still trying to find Delta songs I like.
  4. Why can't I purchase the Macross songs now available on Amazon streaming as digital music?
  5. Maybe we'll get lucky and have Frontier and Delta dubs. My kid is 20 now, about 10 when we discovered Frontier as a whole and we expanded together from there.
  6. Correct. And it's a great work by Wantanbe, but a strong work. 16/17+, Not younger. I saw it in 1995 on VHS; I was 17.
  7. The wire bondage scene. Sharon is nude practically in certain scenes and is suggestive. Isamu and Guld's fist fights. Guld and Myune's scene fight scene with the mirror. The little guy almost shooting Isamu in the head. Isamu with the blonde on their date.
  8. Anyone from Western North Carolina going to Biltmore to see this?
  9. OMG YES! This is a family thing for me and my now 20 year old child! One each and we couldn't be happier to have Macross in the US!
  10. It's actually what I was relying on.
  11. I've never done the international advanced PO thing. I thought WW meant TFSource, BBTS, Amazon US, etc.?
  12. I wonder if their interpretation of his bravado in the anime was posturing and compensation. After all he wouldn't go up against Spike or Gren solo. Maybe they saw him as they portray him the show as a weakling.
  13. Watched it and I liked it alot- especially towards the end, eps: 8, 9 and 10 were the strongest. 1, 4, 5 and 6 were good. 3 and 7 were meh to ok. 2 was my least favorite. The soundtrack was really good to.
  14. I'm down with this! Especially seeing the skull and crossbones on the chest and fins! YES!
  15. Definitely! Thank you. I had them before for a tiny bit; now with Fuke coming out- sellers regret, but I'm optimistic reissues are abound.
  16. I'm a player, lol!
  17. Cool, thanks @captain america. So what if I heated a modded safety pin Through both ends of the broken pieces let it dry and do it that way? This is not my toy, btw; this is a piece I'm thinking about buying. I'm either gonna buy it or I'm gonna wait to see if there's gonna be another reissue. I appreciate your insights though.
  18. @Mog, TY! @captain america, hi can you make a fix recommendation please?
  19. How much is this Sentinel Riobot Yellow worth with the below issue;
  20. Hey all. How easy of a fix are these breaks, or should I wait for a reissue?
  21. This falls: https://lemaestromind.bandcamp.com/album/whip-music
  22. This summer's lp: Listen to DJ DVD RIP - Crystal Boy, a playlist by The Phantom's Revenge on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/69Yt5
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