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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. It didnt take Alchemy, but it works. The CM Legioss can connect to the Toynami Beta/ Aoshima Tread! It works for all three configurations. I took a few more pics of the Dark Legioss I have with the Aoshima and posted on my flickr page if you want to see further details. Sorry but I dont know how to do the link thing successfully. I hope now that the Toynami Shadow Beta cancellation is not true. http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/
  2. Not properly. The cover sticks out a bit when you do. I detach the gun with hand in and fold the tab back and keep the hand in the gun while in armo fighter.
  3. Hi. I want to know if a CM Legioss can connect to a Toynami Beta legitimately? I have a CM Dark Legioss and no Dark Tread to connect it to. I'd like to eventually purchase the Toynami Shadow Beta to go with it since there are no CM versions. Thanks!
  4. Actuall I didnt start yet because I want the 1/60 Tornado Pack with the VF-25F. I thought it looked cool and resembled even more so a VF-2SS with Super Strike Parts. I do think that the ASTRO PLAN stuff would be good as a tester. Will post once I get the toy.
  5. The project is off for a couple of weeks as some adjustments have to be made. My trip to NY was mainly family related and took up most of my time, but I had a day to peruse the shops in hopes of finding a VF-25F in a decent price range for the project. The prices I found in the city were more than what the 1/60 cost on amazon.com. So with some searching and rethinking Ill be getting the VF-25F in the 1/100 size, and 3/4 less in cost than the 1/60. I will have pics up once it arrives and I begin.
  6. Thanks Thom. Im leaving tomorrow for NYC, and hopefully Ill return with a decently priced VF-25s. I was thinking of slight retooling and physical modifcations initially. After all a) it is normally a $125.00 and up piece. b) I am a novice when it comes to this. and c) I want it to resemble the VF-2ss, appearing more as direct upgrade, but not a complete conversion of the 25s to the 2ss. With more experience I would attempt a direct conversion, possibly after this venture. We'll see where it goes though. Thanks for your feedback on the idea.
  7. I honestly didnt think about that. Thank you! I do it after I come back from NYC (hopefully with a nicely priced VF-25s) and post a pic or two of the end result.
  8. Hi Hutch, Yes there are some very distictive differences from the two. However I do see what I consider to be some similarities which caused me to come up with the idea. I see the VF-25s as a (in)direct modified VF-2ss. I appreciated the VF-25s but wasnt in love with it, but I did love the VF-2ss. I grew frustrated with not have a 1/60 of the VF-2ss, so Im off to make the closest thing I can. Here is some of the retooling Im planing so far just to give you an idea: Feet: Sanding and repainting the feet of the 25s to match the 2ss Body: The whole body of the 25s will be repainted white, and then detailed in the color scheme of the 2ss Head: Repainting the head of the 25s to match the 2ss. Also adding the red jewel. Weapon: The weapon will probably just be repainted. Joints will be repainted as well to match. Other tweaks with regards to retooling will or may be made as well once I get the mech in hand from NYC. Thank you for your positive feedback.
  9. Hello, Thanks for all the cool support on the strike cannon thing for my MPC. Thanks especially for not hammering me on the Toynami thing as well. For my next project I will be traveling to NYC to hopefully buy in hand a 1/60 VF-25s. My ambition is to repaint, and possibly retool the VF-25s to look like a modified vf-2ss of Macross II. Let me know what you think of my idea. Pics of progress will come to follow. Thanks, Thomas
  10. I painted a first draft of the cannon with a color that I found. I put it on the YF-1R so that it would stand out a bit more. The paint is a semi-gloss so it will be coming off.
  11. thank you. i picked up a matching paint but its not high gloss so i have to keep searching
  12. Hello, This is my first partial successful kitbash. I wanted a strike cannon for my Robotech MPC, (I did'nt want to pick up any Yamatos due to two bad experiences with the brand.) so through networking I met nightmareb4macross of macrosswold.com who had taken the 1/55 Bandai cannon and remolded it to fit the Toynami 1/55. I purchased the original mold from him and casted the base of the missile launcher detachment from the Appendix thruster. When the mold was cast I attached the cannon to the base and allowed it to dry. Here is what the partial end result looks like.
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