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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Did you guys see the latest Robo-Tech news? http://www.facebook.com/robotech HG is so f***ing lame it's not even humorous anymore. Its just sad.
  2. Awesome thread. I love MOSPEADA. I don't know if these have been posted, but here are some of my findings from my flickr acct. MOSPEADA origins: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/4780609785/in/set-72157624390403809/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/4780608685/in/set-72157624390403809/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/4780608869/in/set-72157624390403809/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/4780608993/in/set-72157624390403809/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/4780609173/in/set-72157624390403809/ You get the idea... cheers!
  3. I wonder, had Robo-tech ended at the 85 episodes without renewing their trademarks. Would we have Macross II, Plus, 7, etc. And possibly a continuation of MOSPEADA today? I many ask for the potential of the MOSPEADA continuation.
  4. But if HG goes under, then they loose the TM, if they transfer ownership of Robo-Tech and all lic. Associated with it, then whoever is in recievership will be over those TM's, correct?
  5. They have to file that form of bankruptcy. Then another co. would have to petition for recievership and pay in order to get whatever is up for grabs, as deemed by the Judge. Licensing, Designs, Rights, Distribution, whatever in intwined with Robo-tech.
  6. Hypotehcically, if HG went into a certain type of bankruptcy they could retain their lic. on Robo-Tech, Macross, etc. Unless they were so strapped for cash that the would have to forefeit the rights and lics. Now that'd be interesting to see.
  7. I'd want to know how much the Robo-tech franchise is worth. I'd buy it, had I the capital. Fire the entire staff, and start something completely different.
  8. You're right, it's not worth the effort. Memo and McKeever can engorge on Robo-Tech together.
  9. Yeah, I'm still wondering if I should let that last one slide.
  10. HA! You're probably not even a real Boston fan. Your probably more of a PawSox fan, LOL. BTW, what's the story with Yokulis at third? He looks so out of place there.
  11. Speaking of... http://www.toyark.com/news/voltron-toy-news-35/mattel-voltron-classics-3882/ Mattel is coming out with a classic represenation of the toy. It's suppose to stand 2'-3' tall. Online only.
  12. Thanks Seto. You know, I actually was hoping that a civil approach would clear the way for a moderate conversation on my issue with Kev. I didnt like the way he spoke to me, or anyone else for that matter. I'm sorry but I am pretty sure if Kev saw me in the street he would'nt be running off with the mouth as he does on message boards. But it's his website and Robo-Tech "Yes Sir" minions are his sword and shield. All I have are empty hands and a pocket full of cash that will probably never spend another dime on a Robo-Tech endorsed product. Dude, Your a Redsox fan. No wonder. I cant communicate rationally with you! LOL! As far as McKeever is concerned, again, I didn't care for the way he spoek to me or anyone else in that thread. I spoke up about it and that was it. I was asked about other aspects by Memo, and the rest is blah, blah, blah.
  13. Yeah that was pretty interesting. I guess robo-tech is a language I can no longer understand.
  14. I'd want a Shadow Beta to hook up to my CM Dark Legioss. Now that'd be hot! Then I could stop doing this: CM Legioss/ Aoshima Tread (Toynami Beta Connection)
  15. While theyre at the 1/60 VF-4, they may as well put out a 1/60 VF-2ss.
  16. I agree lone wolf. A lot of Macross and Mospeada is similar to Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and so on.
  17. The story is suppose to be a cross between the Invasion comics and LLA. No notes as to if there's going to be new animations, and or otherwise. It has been mentioned that there will be a lot of flashbacks to the New Generation events. I've never heard speculation that Macross F enemy designs were based off of Robotech Inorganics before the last few post. That's stupid. They aren't even similar in appearance. Smegalot makes a lot of sense. Something that I have posted everywhere as well. I feel Robotech needs to wrap up the SC, with the release of SR, and a final film closing out the Rick Hunter story arc, and giving up the core Macross/ Mospeada designs., and other borrowed aspects. Thus giving it the freedom to head out on its own.
  18. the lads over at rtx are saying that the new animation will be based off of the Robotech: Invasion comics, mixed with the Invid Character Sera.
  19. The bottom line is that there isn't an ounce of original creativity with the peeps at HG. Or if there is, they're so afraid of failure to risk even testing something out. Ill refer to the original Macross, then to Lovers again. Afterwhich Plus was released, then 7, and so on. My point is that the people behind Macross kept throwing great stuff out there, even if one series didn't perform as well as its previous series counterpart. It takes creativity and gumption to put something out that your base wants, Macross continues to do that. Whereas Robotech won't, because they're afraid of failure. Which is why WB shouls take total control of the RT franchise and any other agreeeements/arangements attched to it, and do something better than what HG has done.
  20. The only franchise I can recall over the last 10 yrs from the 80's who's plans did not work out as they had hoped was the He-Man franchise from '02 to '03, (again, that I can recall). Even still He-Man never really fell flat on it's face (with movie still in talks). Neither did the Care Bears, etc. What 80's remakes failed that Kev is referring to? Damn, I'm not a Robotech hater, but this banter from the HG people is really annoying. Why can't they just shut the F**K up and put out new material?
  21. I agree. RT should be bought out from under HG and made into something more. Tired people do the same old thing all the time. HG has gotta go for that franchise to get right again.
  22. yes. that or someone needs to win millions in the lottery, buy the RT franchise from HG and do the right thing to it. Yet another year with nothing new from RT.
  23. Here are the pics of the CM Dark Bartley with the Megahouse Dark Stick Missiles on the left forearm plate. She also a a further modification with a hole drilled through her right foot so that she can use the Megahouse stands for support. Also the painted (I wish I was a better painter) Megahouse Dark Stick Missiles on the Megahouse Ray.
  24. Thanks guys. Ill be picking out a paint for the missiles on the left forearm. I did take the other missile launchers from the Dark Stick and I put it on the forearm of the CM Corp. Dark Bartley. Once I have a chance ill ad those pics too.
  25. Hello, I got my MH Ray and with a Junker Dark Stick. Together, I changed Ray from what he was, to what he should've been. Tweaks: a- Interchanged hard rubber tires from the rims of the Dark Stick to the Ray. b- Opened helmet of Dark Stick and replaced it with outer componets and visor of Ray. Head now has full rotation. c- Armed Ray's left forearm with Dark Stick Missile(needs paint). d- Attempted to change out elbows but I need more material. The forearms are constructed differently. Overall, I like the toy much more. Here are some pics. http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/
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