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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. I don't think anyone in the universe except for Bernie Madoff is dodgier than HG.
  2. You know what we should do, besides keep up with Macross? We should start to show more interest in Battletech and Mechwarrior, smiting HG in the process. It would be so funny if hype about Battletech surpassed Robo-tech. Besides, their Xbox games were pretty cool. Better than Invasion.
  3. I'm not a huge gamer, but I had Battlecry. It was decent, very hard though. Invasion could've been so much better if the character aspects weren't so generic. Then lack of the Legioss, and lack of higher quality designing killed it too.
  4. I saw the one minute clip on Youtube. It's ok for my kids' generation, but not for me. Hope it works out.
  5. Maverick and McKeever probably think it's the hottest song ever recorded. I heard Yune and Yun brush each others teeth to it.
  6. Thanks EXO. Its more preparring for the worse. Since I can't find the right version 2's, I'm gonna have to settle for the wrong ones. So id rather be ready.
  7. Can someone please direct me to where I can get the replacement parts for the shoulders for Yamato VF-1's? I knew overdrive did this once, but they're unresponsive. Id need about 6 sets please. Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks! I'm just getting rid of the Macross versions. I have a Aoshima Legioss and Tread, they're staying put. I can't see keeping them anymore as the newer Yamato stuff without shoulder problems are out there. I've been wanting to do this for a while.
  10. LOL. Either that or Paint a vulgar picture.
  11. Or The Smiths- that joke isn't funny anymore
  12. I was packing my Robotech MPC's so I can sell them to get version 2 Yamatos. I couldn't help but to hum Morrissey's "You were good in your time and we thank you."
  13. Where are you on that project? Got design specs yet?
  14. what's next for robo-tech? How about resurrecting one of their old bs spewers for a 'con? Oh wait... http://robotechnews.blogspot.com/2011/05/robotech-convention-tour-at-anime.html Tommy must be tired. He needs to recharge.
  15. Yuniverse + McKeeverism = Robo-Tech (To the rescue) On subject, I think all of Robotech is subject to editing or revison since it's all a messed up jumble to begin with now. I accepted the 85 Eps. to Sentinels, to SC, and Wildstorm side stories. But to throw everything you put out away and revise it so you can put out something new, that would have to be explained... It all just doesnt make sense anymore. I think I confused myself!
  16. With Ripley rockin the baldy, big fake tits wouldn't work for the Refless/ Regiss either. That's also why she'll never be back.
  17. I have to ask. If HG was never planning on using LLA, why wouldn't Lancer and Lunk go with Scott eventually in the continuation of SC? Possibly because they need Lancer to tell his story in the Robo-tech version of LLA? Who knows.
  18. Perhaps they were basing the romantic aspects from personal experience. Hence robot love! I think the only relationship that had an inkling of flavor to it in SC was Scott and Ariel. I think it could've been expanded on, and possibly supported the whole movie as far as side plot was concerned. You'd think with fresh perspectives they would've done so much more with regards to plot, subplot, and so on. I wrote a fanfic of SR, where Ariel and Scott actually concieve a child. Now that would be a twist.
  19. Its true. There isn't any hint of romantic theme in almost anything Robo-tech other than the 85 episode mash up. Even BSG has a hint that love saves the day.
  20. Perhaps a limited US edition, Robo-tech.com exclusive black hole void. Created by, and thanks to the Neutron-S missile! Or is it Nuetron? Spell check McKeever! Spell check Mr. Yune.
  21. Well its not too bad. I was able to put on the armor parts in battroid mode, then convert into fighter, with most of the armor on, minus wing armor. I was given the idea of epoxy. But after that, I may take that advice.
  22. Well I'll have my privledges restored if I send Steve an apology email. I sent Steve an email. But you all know I'm not apologizing.
  23. I did not like Legion enough to see it in the theater, but I did see Priest. It has more potential than Legion. But better than Blade its not. Maybe when part 2 comes out?
  24. Hi, I did a foolish thing on my new VF-25S and put too much pressure on the shoulders and head in the transformation and I broke it. The piece is missing and I have the armored parts. How do I save my toy? Please help!
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