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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. And if it happens... then get ready for the BOOOOOOOM!
  2. Can anyone post a successful closed heat cover on the VF-11c? I can't do it! Id appreciate any tips too... thanks.
  3. I hear ya. An in all honesty. I've only recently seen any and all of this. I was solely paying attention to TF's, and a bit of Gundam from 1999 to 2006. I peeked into RT in 2000, and got a VF-1s Yamato in 2006, and that was my Robotech/ Macross/ Mospeada exposure until late 2008. In '08 is where I started on this road with of robot toy hobbying.
  4. Conversation, since we talk about licensing, trademarks, etc. I figured what about HG's standing with BBB? Is it accurate? Is there any possible aspect to speculate on, that may lead to questions?
  5. It would fall on both in the eyes of BBB since the details were posted on RT.com's site and not Toynami's. Although, Toyanmi is the producer, HG name and associated content is on the product, and is the product in itself.
  6. Off the top of my head, I honestly can only recall the Maia reissue fiasco at this moment. Id have to research further for more possible detail(s). Which is why I speculated by saying: "I wonder."
  7. There is false representation. Misleading the customer and public trust.
  8. I wonder.... http://www.la.bbb.org/business-reviews/General-Merchandise-Retail-By-Internet/Harmony-Gold-in-Los-Angeles-CA-13159438
  9. If it wasn't in the original 85 it never really happened...LOL!
  10. Id pick it up. My interest in M7 continues to grow as I go deeper into the series.
  11. http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/ Here is my collection so far. I have to update when I get the rest of my stands. I was able to tighten the joints with screw tightening and nail polish. Much sturdier. Now I love my YF-19!
  12. http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/5813229637/in/photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/26350372@N04/5813078215/in/photostream
  13. I just got a new YF-19. The limbs at the joints are real loose. I used to use a bit of glue on transformers toys and it worked. I'm a bit hesitant to do it on these toys. Has one elese another idea?
  14. I wonder what life would've been like if Macross and Mospeada came to the states unedited into Robo-tech, but as their own individual series. Would they be as popular as Orguss or Dorvack in the US? Or would the anime boom in the US have occured sooner?
  15. Who says we wrap this thread up and close out HG and Robotech until they really get their ducks in a row. It may take 5 to 20 years. But by then, we may not even remember, let alone care.
  16. McKeever rejustifies his existence after reading my blog. http://www.robotechx.com/forums/53-robotech-other/15867-kevins-blog-the-unofficial-robotech-reporter.html?limit=10&start=80#16591
  17. If Yamato does the armor for the VF-11c, they'd have to do it for the VF-0S too (id hope).
  18. The Smiths- Nowhere Fast Sigh* at least HG is good at one thing; disapointing fans! http://theblackconvoyreport.blogspot.com/2011/05/return-to-macross-part-two-numbers.html http://theblackconvoyreport.blogspot.com/2011/05/return-to-macross-part-1-complete-story.html
  19. Certainly is nice.
  20. I think the reaper draws in closer on this era of Robo-tech. The new anime will be just another coffin nail.
  21. Damn. One more day before I get mine.
  22. Hi. May I ask, why was this thread locked and moved?
  23. Late bloomer watching kicking off Macross 7. Wrapped up Casshern Sins as my most recent anime.
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