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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. The 29 is superior to the 30/31 IIRC from threads past. The 30/31 would be a downgrade for Max in that context.
  2. I wish the nose was a full white. There's something about that color difference that I like (ie: Ozma's 29).
  3. BBTS Customer Service says the PO should be up soon. Between now and Tuesday I surmise.
  4. Except for HLJ, most US sites don't require me to put a full payment up-front. I also can't stay up til 3AM for a PO party cuz of work; I can wait a month.
  5. Cool! Easy PO here I come again!
  6. Maybe an exclusive since Nora's SV-51 seems to have only been available on BBTS for US sites too?
  7. Agreed and understood!
  8. I understand the whys of ordering from Japan but at the same time "we did clamor" for years to get Macross released into the US market; so too not support the US retailer and the franchise's new endeavor for WW releases seems counter productive.
  9. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/203334?utm_source=Marketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=marketing&utm_content=
  10. BBTS!!!! https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/203334?utm_source=Marketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=marketing&utm_content=
  11. PO is up; https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-138869
  12. I meant by technical specs. By just a look either anime or toy; it's the 31 with/ without supers. Then the 29, 25 and last the 17 w/o supers in my personal view.
  13. Since Max is what: a Ret. Admiral; I feel like he should have the Ozma 29 head.
  14. I just realized I've actually never owned a Max valkyrie; ever!
  15. The only thing that would make this better would be that its a double feature!
  16. Cool, but would love if Bandai did a Destroid Cheyenne II even more!
  17. Got it; thanks. Love the look of the wing boosters.
  18. Will the AX super parts fit on the TV 31s?
  19. True. But personal preference.
  20. GoLion would be better vs Voltron.
  21. Sure, NP: https://www.shapeways.com/product/K4YHFWF2D/bandai-hobby-action-base-to-arcadia-adapter?optionId=98078548&li=ostatus
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