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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Awesome. Will you have 10th Divison? 21st? Or Dark Fleet colors?
  2. Count me in on that. I can watch the originals and to this day be totally engaged with the series without the robotech edits. I actually prefer them hands down to Robotech's revision.
  3. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/21355.html Its amazing how far Voltron is going... the tv show kicks off in a bit over 30 days. Meanwhille Robotech putts and sputters.
  4. I couldn't even sit through LLA in its original form without FFW through. There'd be no way I would do it with a HG gingering of tweaks, and what have you. To pay for redone anime that's 30 years past, which wasn't even really wanted in its day is unethical. I used to disagree silently with the notion that Tommy couldn't create or build up from the original designs/ animations/ story/ characthers, etc. However, the closer we come to LLA becoming a reality, the more the notion of his lack of originality makes sense. RT would be so much more served better without he, or the other three. Its really ashame to see where things have come too in the RT universe. At least we have Macross and some MOSPEADA!
  5. I thought they'd also be in the Wildstorm comics too like PTSC or Invasion.
  6. Can someone please identify the UEEF Marines from Robotech to me please?
  7. All this time McKeever was playing the ultra conservative right winger. Who knew, LOL!
  8. Aside from the original 85 episodes, what is Robotech's most profitable, and legit (and without issues of copyright, exagerated delays, market exchange, QC, etc.) Piece of merchandise, media, or product that has been produced to date?
  9. LOL, more like a bit of a nap to refresh.
  10. I would imagine that they (fans) would understand that RT would need a time out. And with some form of dignity too. Not when things have gone from worse to horrid, as we may be en route to with LLA. Personally, unless a WB type entity steps in to take RT away from HG, I see it ending badly regardless of what the boards say. I don't want to see RT fair worse than its current state. The franchise suffers from so many different aversities both circumstancial and self inflected, that there are no easy choices as to where to move towards next.
  11. Hence why it'd be great if RT just died off. RT's current mgmt is horrible, and will run franchise and all its US lic. into the ground in flames. Letting it go quietly, leaving it dormant to resurface under a new mgmt crew would be better then, in contrast to its current state.
  12. Hi, Like an idiot, I've lost the stable legs to my VF-0S Ghost. Can anyone help me by telling me where can I obtain replacements? Or sell me replacements?
  13. I want to fuse a Blue CM Legioss with my Aoshima Tread!
  14. Amazing where RT and Macross are today. Macross via Yamato puts out the VF-17, the reissed VF-25's from Bandai. HG puts out a CD and calender... nice on HG!
  15. Awesome post waters! Thank you! Call me bad, but I favor MOSPEADA more than Macross for the fact that the Legioss and Ride Armor offensives dont mean that the weaker of the combo automatically represents cannon fodder.
  16. *sigh* If mercy killings were legal Roboobtech should be first in line. Its silly at this point but because they've reaped so much bad karma in most, if not all of their dealings HG is f***d at every turn. Robotech simply needs to die out for a few, then return under new management in order to possibly succeed later.
  17. OMG, are the v2's out yet?
  18. They should've taken the same boat Mattel and Bandai did for Thundercats and Voltron toylines of 2011. But then again those HG guys are so clever, anything they do will be bigger and better than these meeger upstarts, HA(lmfao)!
  19. Damn, they'd better! I just sold my ver. 1's!
  20. Ive been out of the loop for a bit. Does anyone know if HG is kicking themselves even harder for not pushing harder in light of the success of Voltron and Thundercats?
  21. Yeah, real pain in the ass! It happens to be one of my favs too, but the shield brings it down a bit.
  22. Flightpose displaying the Yamato VF-1S & VF-11c in battroid. Love the way they pose.
  23. I wonder if when it comes out will there be a fandub version as MOSPEADA?
  24. It looks good. Not convention exclusive good. But good enough to gardner internet interest. Id like to see more. Come on stooges get off your asses and get to work... Harder!
  25. Speaking of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v0iTNAEp2M This bloke uploaded the whole film in one shot.
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