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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Guess the shadow beta is scrapped too then.
  2. God I miss all of my MOSPEADA collection.
  3. I want actually thrilled with my first run of the game. I'm starting from the beginning again to see what I missed.
  4. I love the fight in the mud pit. "This is an operating table, and I'm the surgeon."
  5. I've seen it twice- one matinee, one IMAX. Im thinking of going for a third. How many times have all the rest of you seen it?
  6. Exactly, The Ra's story arc had to be brought full circle to end the trilogy. Depp would've (could've) been great as a more physically and intellectually imposing Riddler possibly, [eg: Pirates of the...] (probably not~eg: Dark Shadows ). But Nolan kept as true to the books as possible without going too far out of what could really happen. Kick Ass!
  7. Sorry lads... gotta disagree here. My opinion-Both titles juggernaugts in the comic industry, both with 2012 blockbusters for the summer season. The question, can one Batman have a better movie than 5 Avengers? Yes he can! Liked Avengers, Spiderman was cool, Batman beat all. And it didnt need 5 scenes or less for 3D.
  8. IMO, Considering the comic movie triologies that have been weak in some portion of their respective sets, the Nolan Batman series has surpassed: -The Ninja Turtles -Blade -Iron Man (the 3rd will suck without Favreau directing) -Raimi's Spider-man -Donner's Superman -All the X-Men movies -MiB (in short, all of them) It wasnt better than the Dark Knight, but then again it wasnt suppose to be like the Dark Knight, as the circumstances of the movie were completely different. All individually, great works of art. Together- a masterpiece.
  9. S**t, I was planning on customizing a green tread. I wonder if its really worth the wait (as in; will it truly be released)? Probably not. (Goes back to customizing toys and waiting patiently for the Dark Knight Rises.) Posted here too: http://www.manofactionfigures.com/products/robotech-mpc-beta-fighter-volume-4-toynami
  10. Bay's rendition of TF's ruined the franchise as a whole for me. His tweaks to TMNT will ruin that franchise as well. The Turles' story is told best from the original Eastman and Laird Mirage days.
  11. A new addition to the family. New meaning to black is badass!
  12. I brought up Arimaki because both he and Kawamori are more accomplished than Macek ever would've been.
  13. I'm sorry but if we're going to compare Kawamori to Macek, Macek doesn't win in any category whatso ever. Even Arimaki, lead designer of Mospeada has accomplished more successfully than Macek has/ had to date. Macek can only really claim the successful dub he worked into calling Robotech.
  14. Pure awesome... I need a second job!
  15. More proof of why Macross trumps Robotech: http://www.macrossworld.com/macrosswp/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/DX_VF171EX-1.jpg
  16. I personally sold all my Robotech stuff. Nothing left with it, HG, or Toynami's name on it anymore. I can't love what doesn't love me, LOL! But seriously. We all say were either sick or annoyed with HG and how they handle it but we don't take any steps to unite and truely turn totally away from it. If we closed this thread and got rid of any HG product, also refusing to participate in any new releases. We could start to make waves. Yes I am an idealist.
  17. I mean a REAL hiatus. No product/ mention, etc. Not the passive; oh its that time of our contract to utilize our licensing. Personally, Robotech can stay or go, but if it stays, fire all three knucleheads and hire new people with some real gusto. If not, then HG can go f*** off.
  18. I too have advocated for this. If only Robotech would tak a hiatus and allow Macross/ Mospeada to come into light on their own, only to revisit Robotech later. But there are not enough people willing to give up on Robotech for the greater good. This horse is passed zombie form (HG/Robotech). They're not really putting out/ producing anything that validates as genbuine merchandise, give or take. Do you want Macross in the US? Let's try and totally urn our bacls to Robotech. Want Robotech to come into promenence, on its own? Turn your back on it for a while. It'll do some good.
  19. Whenever I read a post of Memo's I can't help but to think of Mike Myers on SNL doing Lothar of the Hillpeople.
  20. Right on! Cant wait to see the final result.
  21. This looks really good. Gotta see more.
  22. LOL, Nice one! I still havent sat down to give Unicorn a go.
  23. I hear you, Personally I cant sit through any Gundam series except for Wing, 08th, and OO. But with Gundam, as fans, we have access to any Gundam series we please, as Bandai doesnt hold back on the series at all, in contrast to the wall keeping 7 and Frontier. I wasnt trying to knock you, I just found it as a surprise, that all. No worries.
  24. Appreciated, but I never said that anyone HAD to like anything. I just found it surprising that a Macross fan wouldnt like either of the two series mentioned, as they're some of the more richer (product, storyline, episode longevity, depth, etc) portions of the Macross franchise, aside from the original SDF Macross. As for my ban from R-T.com, f*** 'em. I dont and would never appreciate any rep from a franchise talking s**t to me or any other fan the way McKeever, or any of their lackies did/ do, when asked the tough questions. When I was heavily engaged in the TF community, I wouldnt take it then, I wont take it now, or in any other part of my life, no one should talk down towards another person. Especially when I blow cash on their product with the Robotech logo on it, and or any other. As a customer of Hg products and services at the time, it was my right to engage and ask what I wanted and give my opinion. And I agree, LLA will crash and burn. If the original wasnt upto par, the Hg reprise will be as well a failure. How could I forget Zero, or Macross the First, LOL!
  25. It strikes me funny but I cant see how a Macross fan would hate Macross 7 and Frontier, the only two non-Hg authorized series? It's 7 and Frontier that RT/Hg have difficulty to live upto, contributing to their consistant failures in their attempts to measure up. Hg cannot compete with these two portions of the Macross franchise on any level. Also for myself personally, it wasnt Lovers Again, or Plus that encouraged me to go full Macross, away from Robo-tech.
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