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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. What's the title of the first song you hear in the beginning of the initial Macross F episodes? Its played during the whole history summary before the episode. Thanks!
  2. Is there a major hinderance to transformation with the broke triangles?
  3. Didnt work for Birds of Prey. But who knows.
  4. That'll be a sweet ongoing subplot. We could even get some Joker (aka: Red Hood) origins going. Some pre- Batman Ra's activity? Im looking forward to it.
  5. Now that I have a CF-171 I need armor too. Any news on a potential RVF-171 from Bandai yet?
  6. I don't know why my the gerwalk mode makes the valk look cluttered in these colors.
  7. I wanted a dyrl roy. I ended up getting a bum dyrl hikaru so this is most welcome.
  8. Saw it- Loved it! Some of the fights were a bit over the top- considering a JL movie w/ (Nolanverse) Batman. Bu then again he was going head up against other Kryptonians so its all good.
  9. Hell Yeah!!! Now I just need a Lion Voltron to stand with it. I may go cheap and do the Trendmasters Voltron BBTS has for sale.
  10. In hindsight- No. That was a really bad attempt at a joke (especailly with all the additional issues that have come up with them since that post).
  11. I was skeptical too, until I watched the vid last night. Looks awesome, the transformation is nice and tight. Balanced, nothing seems to come off as flimsy. I dont know if Im a fan of the blue tint of the blade on the sword- but so far so good.
  12. According to Miracle's FB, robotkingdom is their primary vendor: http://www.robotkingdom.com/services/eshop/main.php
  13. The new VV looks better than the Mattel and Toynami renditions of the Lion Voltron:
  14. need more money sooner than fall: http://www.ebay.com/itm/YAMATO-MACROSS-1-60-VF-11C-with-Super-Pack-Macross-7-Robotech-/111076791330?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item19dcb15422#ht_129wt_1170
  15. It took me three weeks to sort it out between Youtube vids and the booklet. Its still my fav for the MF series.
  16. Since the VF-171 seems to be now the hardest valk to transform, can we have a contest to see who can do it best?
  17. Of course, everyone comes to MW first!!! This is just a little hideaway on FB for Macross Fans: https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrossUSfans/#!/groups/macrossUSfans/
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