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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. If the Megaroad had an OVA- I think the tone would be similar to Macross Zero. If Lady M is Minmay- the she could survive whatever horrid outcome came of them leading a group of other surviors to a new world, etc.
  2. I have two questions: Why dont (the majority of) Macross Valks have rear horizontal stabilizers? Why did the Valk nose and cockpit sections go from seeming upright/ straight- to a curved more beak like design?
  3. I wanted to know if the missiles for the Yamato/ Arcadias can fit the Bandai DX hard points?
  4. Excellent 171 collection Duymon!
  5. Toy dreams do come true when you put your mind to what you want.

  6. Hey What is a MwB YF-29 Ozma with superparts and a YF-30 worth? Cash? Is it feasible to expect to get a 171 Maruyama, RVF-171, and a CF 171 in exchange?
  7. Favs from top to bottom; VF-11c, VF-171 EX, VF-171 Plus, YF-30, YF-29, VF-19 Advance, VF-0S

  8. Top to bottom; VF-11c, VF-171 EX, VF-171 Plus, YF-30, YF-29, VF-19 Advance, VF-0S

  9. Roy Alto Misa Cathy Ozma Bobby Sheryl Isamu Myung Col Johnson Mayor Milia Ray Global Britai and Claudia
  10. What's on your mind? BRAINS!!!

  11. I've never experienced a love/ hate relationship before- then I learned about Macross.

  12. Happiness is free and for everyone who knows where to find it at no cost.

  13. Feels so good to be real

  14. ロボテック」は再発行、再パッケージ、写真と粘着性のバッジで、ダブルパックを再評価」です。

  15. You West Coast peeps are so chill, meanwhile we on the East coast prep for WW3, LOL

  16. 1/3000 SDF Macross with Frontier Valks? I like it!

  17. Thanks no3ljm, yeah the first time I transformed it- the cover popped off, and I wanted to find a way to get it back in without breaking the whole toy. I had the same issue with the 171 EX, but it was much easier to put back any covers that popped off. Thanks for the great vid too jenius.
  18. Bringing balance to the force.

  19. Balancing the force.

  20. Can someone please tell me how to pop this piece back into place?
  21. It'd be a nice change to have a male lead singer again. Maybe Yasuyuki Okamura will/ has auditioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4VIiVSiioo
  22. Cooling down from Macross fever.

  23. I got my first Macross F Valk in over a year (YF-29/ Alto); who's currently engaged in a pissing contest with my Decepticon Seekers. The VF-1S/ 25s shirt is from redbubble.
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