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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Yu Yu Hakusho, Blue Gender, Guyver, Gundam 08th MS, G Gundam, All GITS, all Macross, MOSPEADA, Gaogaigar, Dragon Ball Super and Z, High school of the Dead, Gundam Wing, Unicoron, IBO, Attack on Titan, Space Dandy, Yamato 2199
  2. I love Macross and MOSPEADA is just as awesome in a different way for me. I give Robotech credit in taking what then was a mediocre/ somewhat decent anime and brought it to light. Despite this- MOSPEADA is better off being it's own thing now.
  3. I've made it a point to spread Macross to the younger generation via my kids, nephews and nieces. Even if they dont like it- they'll ID it.
  4. Thanks Plastic Cretins!
  5. OMG, YES!!! I have been saying this for years! Someone at HG wasted their "education" In a consumer driven market, why would you beef with a fanbase of the original that spends on average $80 to $600 per product purchase vs your core base that barely clears $100 per purchase of your derivative?
  6. Side topic: as an older person now having been introduced to Go Lion and Dairugger- I actually preferred them over their Voltron adaptations. I wouldn't be as adamant about reverting to the originals as I am Macross/ MOSPEADA, but I do like them better personally.
  7. I used to use CM the dark legioss and the pilotless with the Aoshimas to represent an updated design for the 3rd invasion fleet. The CM was so versatile. I hope Sentinels Legioss will live up to it.
  8. Very powerful last statement; S. Kawamori: I don’t want to talk about it. Please support the official Macross releases. I would surmise that Shinji Aramaki and the team behind the previous and upcoming MOSPEADA are feeling the same sentiment. It's a (continued) call to action IMHO.
  9. I was guessing- but thanks for clarifying. A triple change yes- but not as difficult to transform than the ride armor, right? Still $230 US for the Legioss then would make the Tread possibly $150 - 200 more? Ehhh :/
  10. If a ride armor is $200, I would imagine that the Legioss should be only $150- $175, as it's less intricate in transformation. A Tread then based on scale should be $250-300. Based on what I saw for their offerings on BBTS, they seem to price scale by scale, intricacy, then licensing.
  11. Maybe Daft Punk on the VR-52r?
  12. More Figuarts fitting. Credit to Destructimis Prime from TFW2005 boards.
  13. K so I only have DBZ Figuarts. As far as body frame is concerned Piccolo is a fit- he has the height. What other Figuarts figures are the same size? I had to take out the barbell peg from Sticks head. The ball on Piccolo's frame is too small in contrast. But some kind 9f filler could make it work maybe?
  14. I had gotten a suggestion to use the figuarts blanks as a base figure and DIW, but further research seemed they wouldn't fit the ride armors.
  15. I wonder if having the cockpit tucked in was the idea all along?
  16. Funny you say that; I always correlated the 171 to the legioss from the aspects of the way the legs and arms transform.
  17. I thought the deviance in the depictions of the valks and characters were in preparation for them to lose their claim to SDF Macross. The art is crap anyway, so it doesn't matter.
  18. The legioss looks great. High hopes for a Tread to follow. On a side note: Anyone working on non armored/ plainclothes Stick and co figures to use the Riobot heads on?
  19. This and a Dark Stick too.
  20. How does this coincide with the current Riobot Sentinel MOSPEADA offerings? And to @sjoebarry's question; what are breakers 2083?
  21. Got it from Redbox. Gonna watch it tonight and see.
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