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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. On the other hand; I actually enjoyed the range outside of the box for episode 6. And I think you should actually read the interview you're attempting to reference from 2017: https://alanmooreworld.blogspot.com/2019/11/moore-on-jerusalem-eternalism-anarchy.html?m=1 This way you can speak better on the actuality of the topic instead of your spin; he's upset with the system, not the interpretation and expansion of his work by other artist.
  2. I hope so; c'mon TFSource; I'm ready for Yellow!!!
  3. From the TFW boards regarding Yellow:
  4. YES!!!!
  5. Right: but in some depictions the Tread is a 21st MB Div (see attached). I'd want the Tread to stay a 7th MB. I bring it up considering that decals may already be applied to the toy.
  6. Am I the only one who would want/ who would care that the Sentinel Legioss stays a 21st Mars Division, and the following Tread be a 7th Mars Division?
  7. I'd give it a shot since its JJ free.
  8. @jenius you dont get toys early for initial reviews?
  9. You rock!
  10. Does HLJ charge immediately for PO or when the item is in stock/ ready to ship?
  11. HLJ's page for the Legioss crashed.
  12. I'm literally doing this with my 171's and 29bs.
  13. The Riobot Legioss+Tread+Yellow with my current Stick= Complete!!
  14. Kevin McKeever's. Its loaded.
  15. Few things freak me out. Human centipede is one of those things that freaks me out; ROBOTECH MUST BE DESTROYED!
  16. I honestly wish I was more in love with the T variant. I just dont find it as exciting as the F or Blowsperior.
  17. I surmised that they rewrote it for him to block out the trauma of losing her until eps. 10 when Aisha would have come into the picture, and he'd take a step to move on; first by seeing all the destroyed remains of the soldiers, then meeting Aisha.
  18. Adding a find (may have been posted prior) of the english language dub demo of MOSPEADA from HG; A first for me; ita OK voice acting, but great to see MOSPEADA in english.
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