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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Either Dr. Manhattan is going to pull through for his love of Angela, or hes going to allow things to just happen and accept his circumstances. It is an over 1 hour episode slated for the 15th so we'll see.
  2. Also possibly TNG figures as well:
  3. Yellow's transformation actually gave me more confidence with Stick. My Yellow is tight in most areas, but enjoyable.
  4. Lost Legends: Found! With Plastic Cretins weapon set for comparison. Also just noticed; the Blowsperior's tailpipe pivots.
  5. @tekering el amarillo era un poco más alto, no altísimo.
  6. That's messed up! I figured a week to two behind at most.
  7. The Robotech: Invasion comic.
  8. In MOSPEADA: The VR-41h is still in use for special forces; but for general use was replaced by the VR-52. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/vr-40h.htm In Robotech;
  9. Yellow didnt use them because his missiles were so destructive; he didn't need them. But Lancer used them in the (badname) Invasion comic.
  10. Yellow seems to have a lot more forearm range and movement vs Stick when the ride armor gauntlets are applied.
  11. I've seen 2199 on vrv in sub and the movies in sub too. I got pt 1 of 2202 in dub. It's a good dub. I've never seen 2202 before.
  12. TFSource will be relatively the same then. If I order from HLJ then pricing will be the same as TFSource; but I'll have it by Wednesday vs Friday. Damn: choices.
  13. How much sooner?
  14. We need our heroes in their BDU/ civvies in Riobot scale.
  15. I already made a commitment to TF Source- so I need to stick with it. But HLJ has Yellow on sale;
  16. True! Let's just chill and enjoy the party;
  17. Maybe they're seeing how it goes with Yellow and the Legioss. When the Bartley does come out- perhaps the Blowsperior will be behind it.
  18. Dude! I make terrible life choices, LOL! But @TangledThorns mad a good point; since I've seen most of Yamato subbed already; I can take a break and do dubbed.
  19. Very sexy!
  20. 2199 pts. 1 and 2 @ $9.99 each 2202 pt. 1 @ $9.99 2202 pt. 2 @ $24.99 Each part at 13 episodes. My only conflict is do I want them in English dub or subtitles.
  21. Id imagine it'd be like asking Shakespeare his thoughts on West Side Story or Romeo and Juliet from 1968. He's going to have an opinion either way in regards to deviations, interpretations, and context. The positive aspects is the endurance of relevancy in him and his work. Alan is justifiably upset and deserves his opinion on how his work is handled at the corporate level.
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