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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. My Alto and Maruyama triangles are fine.
  2. I enjoyed it. Slightly rushed ending and very different; but still good.
  3. When does the notion that failure is not actual success start to sink in at HG?
  4. My first Luca was very solid. Had it for two years and no issues. I always saw 171EX uniformally as the VF-1's and collected them because I wanted that DYRL look in a more modern fighter design. I may sell my remaining ones and just get VF-1's like I should have an call it. I dunno. It's got me kinda down on collecting overall. There always some issue at these $175+ price points that make me question their value and time invested.
  5. It started at the left leg at the knee joint. Then the triangles a few weeks ago, yesterday was the right leg at the knee and it was done. It may have only been this one specifically; I had a Luca before that didn't have issues.
  6. I wonder if this method would work for that area?
  7. So my RVF-171EX Luca has officially bitten the dust; triangles and leg disintegration at the joints took Its toll. Its bittersweet; considering I got 3-4 years out it- but my team of three is down to two; overall, I cant really complain. I stripped what good parts were left and added them to my Alto. My Mauryama is still good. Ill have an extra armored parts set now to sell.
  8. Yellow
  9. Not in a good way either
  10. How would that pin even be pulled out to make the repair?
  11. Not a fan of Voltes; but love the fact that is is actually happening on television in a LA setting. Hopefully this can be catalyst for other/ similar projects.
  12. Plus I noticed a change in the listing from TFSOURCE. The Riobot MOSPEADA toys were previously categorized under "MOSPEADA". Now they're under Robotech. Maybe theyre unrelated; but considering boat time from the south east US to Kallingrad is 3 weeks, Japan to the US port should be nearly nothing and I've had my HLJ Yellow since the first week of December; but TFSOURCE and BBTS are still in preorder status? Just odd.
  13. Listen to UA - Gypsy Woman - RaveYard Mix by OllieTozer98 on #SoundCloud Gypsy Woman (Raveyard Mix) by Diemantle Listen to Private Caller (Macross 82-99 Edit) by ✿ MACROSS 82-99 ✿ on #SoundCloud Listen to Forget by ev.exi on #SoundCloud
  14. Appreciated @Kuma Style!
  15. Did this while having the MOSPEADA and Blowsperior in the "repair bay."
  16. I'm going to try this too. I want to keep the esthetic of pistons and their use in armored mode. Thanks Kuma!
  17. Is anyone doing a lot of posing of the gauntlets with the pistons attached in armor mode? I surmise that the tightness of the piston when trying to pose the toy is putting some pressure at that thin plastic junction with the pin assembly. I noticed that the sparkled bar (I dont know the proper name) flails when I repose/ pose the arms with the gauntlets/ pistons attached. I think this contributes to the stress mark and break.
  18. I've converted my Stick 5 times. I'm just starting to notice the stress marks.
  19. Anyone notice Benson's unit number was 639? RIP Mr. Rene Auberjonois
  20. Found the KC comparison. @jenius and @jeniusornome; thanks!
  21. How does EX Gear Alto size up with Stick and Yellow? Can his body frame sit comfortably on the MOSPEADA? What about the Robotech Kitz Concept figures?
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