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Everything posted by cannon_fodder674

  1. why not just call it "The United Nations"? when you think about it, the Zentradi and Meltrandi were a nation in itself with their own set of principles, industry, and warrior culture upon their unification/integration with humankind right after the first stellar war. they just sort of joined UN as a new intergalactic member. i say culture because, unbeknownst to the Zentradi, humanity actually does have a warrior culture in portions of the planet a few millenia ago, if not now. waging wars big or small just happens to be every man's favorite pastime since time immemorial.
  2. thanks, although i kinda profiled them instead of showing a highly trained spec ops force >_< : the leader type, the trusty wingman, and the ditz. but i DO like special operations stuff ! in fact, this is the ONLY scene that sticks to me when i recall the mac 7 intro. they're so awesome to watch XD.
  3. hey, che !
  4. this is as final as it gets. . .for now. ill see if ill have enough time to color it someday. its based on the mac 7 opening, where the vf 17ds were sandskating. i thought id recreate the scene using the vf girls XD.
  5. its a vf-17d design, although i later found out that the vf-171 also existed and looks gorgeous '>
  6. hello ive been inspired by your works. i hope i can contribute as much as you guys did . so id like to post a sketch: its just a rough sketch for a project im making.
  7. well it certainly got interesting. i posted in the wrong place.
  8. it's been more that a week, and it was a blast! i actually quit drawing a few months ago, and after che gave me to go-signal, ive been drawing like crazy! feels good to be doing what i enjoy the most: drawing new characters XD!
  9. hey guys, i was doodling stuff while lurking at MW, then I did this: Alex Yokohama fan art! yeah i know, it's just a rough sketch. when i draw i usually do rough sketches, all of which remain unfinished. hope your project is going well, I am waiting. . .
  10. oh. pardon the confusion, then. right, vf-27 linearts. . . .
  11. something really is brewing up here. that is one sick cockpit! you have to update! are you working on both the vf-27 and the vf 1?
  12. i've seen the fandub on YT. or at least parts of it. Minmay's voice sounds nice. Hikaru's VA isnt in sync with lip movements at times but its not really a biggie. I think you guys did right on Misa on this one, definitely a voice i would rather listen to compared to the hong kong dub ("you chauvinist!", lol). hikaru saying "thank you" during the launch sequence kinda sounds too grateful isnt it? theyre military. maybe something like "copy that" or "acknowledged" would suffice. other than that it's a nice piece of work. i haven't watched the rest, but maybe i might get a clearer picture once i finish it. i haven't watched the movie for a year. i must've bled my eyes watching it during high school. brings back memories great work, guys.
  13. please do. i'm drooling from all these stuff. i'm having an 80s nerdgasm again.
  14. hi. i'm all for old school goodness too. but sadly this is the only consolation i can get from studio nue and big west: http://macross.jp/pc/index.html watch the animations from the squares in the background. a remake of scenes from the original tv macross for pachinko game. a FREAKING PACHINKO GAME!! DON"T THEY FRAKKING DESERVE SOMETHING BETTER THAT A FRAKKING PACHINKO GAME???!!!! *sigh i feel your sorrow man. gone are the days. . .
  15. i added the forearm and shoulders in the underbelly, and shaped the foot thrusters. again, this pose. It's looks kinda cool from this angle: that's it. the next screenshot you see of this is either a finished or a junked one lol. thanks for you sopport, MW.
  16. Yep, I'm an old-school macross fan whos been lurking in this forum for a long time and scouring MW for pics and whatnot lol. I doubt i can do anymore spit and polish with this model, seeing as my pc is kinda ancient. I've seen your work on aria, and i dont think i'm at par to that level yet '> @chillyche yes I've seen datterboy's cg work and others too. apparently mine pales in comparison to theirs lol.
  17. more screens @ SchizophrenicMC: I compared my model to your avatar, and I think I'm probably out of scale lol.
  18. thanks. I didn't think I could do it either. it took me half a week, and i had search youtube for some how-to stuff. I'll do the details and paintwork after I'm done with the model. Ive yet to finish on the underbelly (hence the perspective view ' )
  19. just sitting at my pc all day, cant buy a valkyrie model kit. and then maya came to my life. ended up doing this: now im loathe to finish this. maybe i could get this to transform someday lol
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