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Delta Star

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Delta Star

    Please help ID

    Can anyone please help ID this PVC toy? It's only about 2 inches in length. It appears to be a VF-25F, but not sure.
  2. Thanks! Will do.
  3. We'll pretty much add whatever symbols anyone is willing to buy. Just e-mail a link to the symbol and we'll see what we can do: delta@reprolabels.com
  4. Okaaay.... against forums rules, maybe, but spam? It's not like I'm selling Nike running shoes here, this was a deliberate and on-topic post. I am trying to sell Macross stickers.
  5. FYI, we are offering excellent Macross stickers for your stuff at StickerFixer.com: http://www.stickerfixer.com/symbols/0038.php http://www.stickerfixer.com/symbols/0039.php http://www.stickerfixer.com/symbols/0040.php
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