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Everything posted by russ869

  1. The lights always had color. It was a lot harder to see in some of the older DVDs (similar to how people who've only see bootlegs seem impressed by the amount of moving stars in the backgrounds when first seeing the Blu-ray). Also, the Macross isn't appearing from a fold (remember the whole premise that they no longer have a functioning fold drive). It's just moving out of a planet's shadow (probably Titan since the SDF-1 is in the orbit of Titan at the start of this movie).
  2. I did this as well. Had to go get it from the post office, but it worked great! And about the inconsitent video quality from scene to scene, it totally doesn't bother me. If you'd bought a lot of Honneamise releases of 80s and 90s movies on BD like me than you'd be used to that already. (Heck just look at the Ghost in the Shell or Spriggan BDs if you want to see shifting levels of quality). It's definitely miles better than any DVD. If you watch the HD theatrical trailers on the Flashback 2012 BD you can see that the same scenes that are blurry in the movie are blurry in the trailers which indicates to me that that's just how they were photographed. (It does seem like the photography for this movie was produced a little sloppily but no amount of remastering is going to be able to fix it now). Overall I'm incredibly happy with this release (except for the edits).
  3. I picked my set up from the post office today. Totally blown away by all the extras. It would have been nice if they just bound everything in a book instead of having all these little sheets, but whatever. It's pretty much my dream set as far as art materials for this movie are concerned. The box unexpectedly has this really high quality plastic finish. It feels different from any DVD box I've ever had. Can't wait to get home and actually pop the disc in. My film strip is Roy, Claudia, and Misa sitting in the restaurant. I've got the set sitting on my desk at work right now. The resident Robotech nerd in my office is probably going to notice and start drooling soon.
  4. Oh my god, what the hell?!
  5. It's not hard at all. Download IFOEdit here: http://www.videohelp.com/tools/IfoEdit Just open VTS_01_0.IFO and under VTS_PGCITI select your PGC (there will probably be only one). Then in the lower window you can scroll down until you see color values like shown in my screenshot. Just change the out of bounds values and save the IFO file. If you use DVDSubEdit, I think another way to make this work is to open your DVD (using “Open full domain”) and then click on one of the colors next to 'b,' 'p,' 'e1,' or 'e2.' Now you'll see this: Like it says, Shift-Click on the colors that look black or white and chose to set them to black or white again. Then once you "Save all changes" it should repair the incorrect colors.
  6. I recently discovered the cause of this "black subtitles on PS3" problem. The deal is that the DVD color values defined in the VTS_01_0.IFO file are out of the legal bounds. Apparently only chroma values of 16-234 are allowed. If you have values higher or lower than this range, PS3 shows them as black. I changed the color values using IFOEdit and it works fine. Here's an example. Notice in the IFOEdit screenshot how in the first few values there are some valued "255 128 128" and "0 128 128." Just change these so that they read "234 128 128" and "16 128 128" respectively and you should be good to go. IFOEdit requires you to enter values in hexadecimal, so the corresponding values would be 10-80-80 for black and EA-80-80 for white.
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